Cleaning expert reveals the parts of your home you should clean daily, weekly and monthly

Cleaning feels like a chore, but it’s really important to get rid of harmful germs. Thankfully, you don’t have to clean your entire house every week.

A cleaning expert has revealed the parts of your home that you should clean daily, the bits to do weekly and the areas that can be left a little longer.

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Home cleaning to do daily

Carol Harding, a cleaning expert at HomeAdviceGuide, said you should start by making your bed every day, as it just takes a few minutes and “sets a positive tone for the day”.

You should also wash dishes after meals, as letting dirty dishes pile up in the sink will attract unwanted pests and horrible smells.

Wipe down kitchen counters and stovetops every day too, to prevent grease and food splatter from building up.

It’s a good idea to sweep or vacuum “high-traffic areas” where dirt tends to accumulate, such as entryways, hallway and the kitchen.

An overflowing bin is a breeding ground for bacteria, so you should take out the bin every day if needed as well.

The parts to clean weekly

The first thing to do once a week is mop the floors, to remove dirt, dust and allergens that can build up over the week.

Dust furniture and surfaces too, such as bookshelves, electronics and decorative items, to prevent allergies and keep your home sparkling.

It’s important to wipe down bathrooms, including toilets, sinks and showers, with disinfectant to avoid bacteria and mold from building up.

Vacuum carpets and rugs every week to remove dust, dirt, allergens, and pet hair. This may need to be done more often in high-traffic areas.

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Do these tasks once a month

Clean out your fridge each month, throwing away expired food, removing spills and wiping down shelves to get rid of bacteria and bad odors.

Wash windows and mirrors too, to let in more natural light in, make your home feel brighter and remove dust and dirt.

Every month, you should do a deep clean of the bathroom, including scrubbing floors, removing grime from shower heads and cleaning behind the toilet.

Dust, dirt, and allergens can build up deep inside upholstery like couches and curtains, so you should vacuum these areas.

Blinds also harbor a huge amount of dust, so it’s a good idea to wipe them down with a damp cloth once a month.

However, it’s important to remember that a number of factors can affect the frequency of cleaning, including the size and layout of your house, the number of people and pets in your household, your lifestyle and personal tolerance for mess.

This expertise was provided HomeAdviceGuide, one of the UK’s leading sites that helps people find estimated costs for home improvement and renovation jobs.