'Liberaee': Social media mocks Trump for 'misfiring in-between all the boos' at event

Then-President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Phoenix, photo by Gage Skidmore.

Donald Trump on Saturday stumbled through parts of his largely hostile speech for the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C., prompting some mockery.

Trump over the weekend treaded into enemy waters as he sought the nomination of the Libertarian Party or at least the votes of its members. He was booed at the start of the speech, and he ended to boos, as well. One member even said Trump should "take a bullet."

Since Trump is used to speaking in front of all-MAGA crowds, social media users speculated the former president was thrown off his game. The result was some lashing out and a verbal slip-up.

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@Acyn wrote, "Not great that Trump is glitching now while trying to say Libertarian: I am asking for the librate—"

Independent journalist Aaron Rupar also chimed in.

"Trump, getting booed, glitches: 'So I'm asking for the liberaee -- well think of it,'" he transcribed Saturday.

@AreMond2 replied, "A glitch is probably going to work better than the words he was using."

Popular account Spiro's Ghost wrote, "Dementia J. Trump misfiring inbetween all the boos. SAD!"

The official Biden-Harris HQ campaign account summarized Trump's situation, too:

"A feeble Trump glitches and slurs as he's being booed."

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