‘Champing at the bit!’ Boris tipped to launch 'calculated' campaign against Starmer as Tories urge Sunak to ‘wheel out’ ex-PM

Boris Johnson is “champing at the bit” to take on Sir Keir Starmer and will launch a "calculated" campaign against the Labour leader ahead of polls opening on July 4, allies of the former Prime Minister have told GB News.

Johnson, who left Downing Street following a Cabinet cabal in September 2022, is being tipped to take on his former foe during the 2024 General Election campaign as an ever-increasing number of Conservatives call on the ex-Prime Minister to return to the Tory fold.

A former Johnson aide claimed Britons can expect to see much more of the former Prime Minister ahead of election day.

The ex-Number 10 insider told GB News: “Boris will be champing at the bit. As much as I’d be surprised if it’s constant door-knocking and big broadcast moments, he will make very calculated and well-timed interventions during the campaign.”

Boris Johnson

“Boris is a Conservative and he’s a winning Conservative. He will just desperately hope that some form of miracle can be pulled off. Boris would undoubtedly boost the Tories.”

They added: “There are people in the country that would never and have never liked Boris Johnson.

“However, time and time again, whenever he hits a high street or a local pub, or a town hall or a council estate, or a lovely Conservative shire, people are hanging out of their windows, rushing into the street, desperately trying to get a selfie with Boris.

“I don’t think we have another politician like that in this country. To have that celebrity X-Factor in this campaign is a huge asset to any party. The Conservatives have one in Boris.”

Metro Mayors Ben Houchen and Andy Street enlisted Johnson’s support earlier this month as the pair sought re-election.

During his efforts to support Houchen and Street, Johnson put clear blue water between their respective legacies and Sunak’s Government.

He wrote: “Forget about the Government. Forget about Westminster.”

Houchen and Street were both accused of distancing themselves from the Conservative Party brand and Sunak, with the Tees Valley Mayor failing to wear a Tory rosette at his own election count.


Rishi Sunak

Johnson, who hinted at staging a Cincinnatus-style comeback after quitting as Prime Minister, briefly flirted with running for the top job after Liz Truss’ short-lived premiership.

However, Johnson subsequently resigned as the MP for Uxbridge & South Ruislip just a few months later as the privileges committee looked set to release its damning report into whether he misled Parliament over partygate.

Allies of the former Prime Minister remain incensed by Conservative colleagues who ditched the Tory Party’s most successful electoral asset.

Another Johnson ally said: “I would be surprised if there are many Conservative MPs who can look in the mirror this morning and say ‘we are in a much better place than we were when Boris was Prime Minister’.”

Johnson twice managed to paint London blue to win two mayoral elections, played a leading role in the 2016 Brexit referendum and delivered the largest Tory majority since 1987.

He appeared to give voters a taste of his potential interventions yesterday, slamming Starmer in The Daily Mail as the Labour leader consolidates his 20-point lead over Sunak.

Johnson wrote: “I don’t believe these opinion polls for one second. I don’t believe that Labour will maintain anything like this lead, as polling day approaches on July 4.

“Here is why: I just cannot believe that the British people would be so utterly mad as to hand Keir Starmer a majority on this scale.

Boris Johnson

“This election will be much closer than currently forecast, because when people actually suck their teeth and consider the possibilities, they will hesitate deeply before opening the bilges and pumping Parliament full of hundreds and hundreds of unknown Left-wing Labour MPs.”

There is certainly no love lost between Johnson and Starmer, with the Labour leader last year revealing his “loathing” for his ex-Conservative rival.

Johnson also used his latest intervention to repeat an incendiary claim about Starmer failing to prosecute paedophile Jimmy Saville.

Starmer previously dismissed the Saville claim as a “ridiculous slur” as a number of Tory MPs also complained about Johnson’s comments.

However, an increasing number of Tory MPs are now urging the former Prime Minister to join Sunak on the campaign trail.

Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris expressed his desire for the 59-year-old to boost the Tory campaign and Dame Andrea Jenkyn argued CCHQ should parachute the former Prime Minister into a safe Tory seat.

Addressing speculation about Johnson returning to the Tory fold, a Conservative source told GB News: “Boris is a natural campaigner and it would give the campaign a great boost.”

Another leading Tory said: “Campaigning is what Boris is best at. Let’s wheel him out.”

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer

Johnson’s speculated return would also come amid an exodus of Conservative MPs, with 78 quitting ahead of July 4 so far.

A number of Tory bigwigs joined the contingent leaving the Commons, including ex-Prime Minister Theresa May and Housing Secretary Michael Gove.

During a visit to Belfast on Friday, Sunak issued a muted call for Johnson to join the 2024 General Election campaign.

Keeping the door open to his former boss, the Prime Minister said: “I’d welcome any Conservative to come and join the campaign.

He added: “I’ve been in touch with Boris in the past. I’m very proud of the work we did together.”

However, GB News understands that Sunak has not directly reached out to Johnson and the pair have only exchanged sporadic text messages.

The Prime Minister was also forced to intervene after Johnson ally Lord David Frost was barred from standing as a Conservative candidate.

Despite giving the green light to Lord Frost, other Johnson loyalists have still been blocked from contesting dozens of vacant seats, including Conservative Democratic Organisation chairman David Campbell-Bannerman.

Not all Tories were completely convinced that a Johnson return would be seen as a success.

Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson

A Conservative MP told GB News: “He'll be helpful but it's just tinkering around the edges until there's a clear vision and purpose that people can get behind.”

Another said: “Boris in the Red Wall would be wonderful but in the Blue Wall not so much.”

Labour remains mixed about the threat posed by Johnson following the fallout of partygate.

Deputy Leader Angela Rayner last month accused Conservative MPs of ditching their biggest electoral asset for a “pint-sized loser”.

However, a Labour source told GB News: “He would be an electoral asset for us. I hope the Tories bring him in front and centre.”

Sunak played a pivotal role in toppling Johnson by resigning as Chancellor and subsequently prompted a mass walkout.

Tory MPs appeared spooked as opinion polls shifted towards Labour following a number of scandals, including partygate and the Chris Pincher debacle.

Redfield & Wilton put Labour six-points ahead of the Tories just days before Johnson announced his intention to stand down pending a leadership election.

The same pollster now puts Starmer’s Labour 22 per cent ahead of Sunak’s Conservative Party.