7 unique American phrases that end up confusing tourists every time

There are plenty of American phrases that bamboozle tourists or are completely misunderstood. They may be common in pop culture, music, television shows, and movies, but that doesn’t mean they are fully understood.

Social media users worldwide often share the “cultural shock” they experience upon witnessing the American way of living. Be it the way they boil water or store milk. If you’re a foreigner visiting America, knowing the meaning of these phrases will serve you well.

Seven American phrases that can confuse people from abroad

If you’re to travel to the United States or regions around the country and wish to navigate conversations more easily, you ought to know what these rather unique phrases mean.

1. Shoot the breeze – Conversing about something unimportant with someone for a long time.

Example – We spent the entire train trip, just shooting the breeze.

2. Monday morning quarterback – This is used on someone who criticizes a lot, expecting things to be dealt with differently.

Example – Monday morning quarterbacks blamed the football coach for the team’s loss

3. A bat out of hell – Someone moving extremely fast in a scared manner.

Example – Joe changed the room like a bat out of hell when he saw a rat.

4. That’s the way the cookie crumbles – This is used to say one must accept things the way they are when something bad happens because it couldn’t be prevented.

Example – I waited for weeks to buy my favorite dress, but it was sold out before I could get to the store. That’s the way the cookie crumbles.

5.For the birds – To describe something worthless.

Example – This movie is for the birds. Let’s watch something else.

6. Put up your dukes – Another way to invite someone for a fight.

Example – I put up my dukes today when a rash driver yelled at me.

7. Behind the eight ball -This is to say someone is at a disadvantage or finds themselves in a difficult situation.

Example – Don’t let your toxic workplace put you behind the eight ball.