Katie Vargeson first lady home at Deeping 10k

Three Counties Running club members Katie Vargeson and partner Richard Allen took on the 297-runner field at Deeping.

It was a really warm but windy morning for the start of the Deeping 10k, which started and finished at the Rugby Union Ground.

Runners had to run on the rugby field for the start and finish of the race which was quite hard going as it needed a cut but the rest of the race was all on tarmac.

Richard Allen and Katie Vargeson

Both runners had a fantastic run but Katie had lots to celebrate. Not only did she bag a fantastic PB of 41:23 but she came 34th out of 297 runners and was the first lady to cross the finish line. Richard had a great run too, finishing in a time of 42:38 and 43rd overall.

Steve Clarke ran in the Banham Zoo 5k. It was a tough, muddy and slippery course but lots of fun. Taking in the scenery of the kangaroos, monkeys and emus to name just a few of the animals on the course, Steve had a great run even if he seemed disappointed finishing in a time of 36:06.

Rickie Trundle had a great run at Wisbech parkrun on Saturday. There was a field of 125 participants and Rickie was the first to cross the line in a fantastic CPB of 19:11.

Steve Clarke

The wet weather really didn’t help and made the course very muddy and slippery but it didn’t stop the duo having great runs. Viaceslav finished in 51:17 and Rachael in 1:08:28.

Parkrun resultsFerry Meadows
Diane Tyler 30:22
Leslie Phillips 47:51 CPB

King’s Lynn
Jonny Clark 27:13
Melvin Green 28:49
Jodie Clark 31:25
Sally Fawkes 33:21

Steve Rhodes 26:58
Sandra Rhodes 35:51


Colin Apps 25:58
Joely Apps 33:05

Rickie Trundle 19:11 CPB 1st/125
Katie Vargeson 21:24 1st female 6th/125
Richard Allen 21:25 7th/125
James Hall 21:48PB
Phillip Cooper 25:46PB
Keith White 33:28