Grand Prior welcomes new knights to Order of St George the Martyr

Four new knights were invested in the Order of St George the Martyr in a ceremony at Great St Mary’s Church in Cambridge on Saturday, 18 May.

Cambridge city councillor Robert Dryden (Lab, Cherry Hinton) is the Grand Prior of the UK and Ireland of the Order of St George the Martyr, which is an organisation dedicated to charitable works. This year it is supporting Magpas Air Ambulance.

Robert Dryden, grand master of the Order of St George in Cambridge, seen here with the four new knights and left Brigadier Tim Seal Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire and right General Consul of Italy in the UK, Doctor Domenico Bellantone. Picture: Keith Heppell

The Knights invested were Piero D’Angelico, Dr Gavin Paul Devlin, Robert Charles Hyslop, and Anthony Peter Hore.

Mill Road hairdresser Piero said: “I’m very honoured to be asked to join – I never expected anything like this.”

Cllr Dryden said: “Piero has done such a lot of the community, including saving the Indian temple arch and helping with Mill Road Winter Fair, that I knew he was a good candidate for us.”

New knights are recruited to the Order of St George the Martyr, in Cambridge. Picture: Keith Heppell

King Charles sent everyone involved his best wishes.

The Order was founded in 1326.