Award-winning author Andrew Ketley signs books at Wisbech and Fenland Museum's shop as part of latest book launch

Fans queued up at a town’s museum to greet an award-winning author as part of the launch of his latest book.

Andrew Ketley was at Wisbech and Fenland Museum's shop, signing pre-ordered versions of the new volume in his book series Wisbech Inns, Taverns and Beer-houses Past and Present.

This is the sixth part of the chronicles on the town’s pubs, which he has found their stories to be “a social history of Wisbech, with all its ups and downs”.

Andrew was signing pre-ordered copies of the book in the museum's shop. Pictures: Wisbech Tweets

“I'm proud to have traced the history of local hostelries going back more than 600 years and glad that quite a few people seem to be as fascinated by it as I am,” Andrew said.

As a volunteer guide at Wisbech Museum and treasurer to the Friends of the Museum, Andrew publishes the series and donates the profits to pay for much-needed Museum running expenses.

Last year, the author was named Best Citizen Beer Communicator by the British Guild of Beer Writers after he released volume five.

Number six covers, alphabetically, the pubs from The Royal Exchange to The Three Turns (R to T) but the author hopes it will not be the last as he is aiming to release volume 7 later this year to wrap up the series.

All volumes are available to buy online here, in the Museum shop, in The Magwitch on Hill Street or at the Community Hub.

Andrew Ketley museum chairman Steve McGregor
This is the sixth part to Andrew's series on Wisbech pubs

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