Trump hush money docs 'speak for themselves' — even without Cohen’s testimony: expert

Michael Cohen in 2011 (Creative Commons)

Although three of the four criminal indictments that Donald Trump's is facing are unlikely to go to trial before the presidential election in November, the former president's hush money/falsified business records trial is coming into the home stretch. Closing arguments are set for this Tuesday, May 28 after Memorial Day Weekend, to be followed by jury deliberations.

During his testimony for the prosecution, Michael Cohen — Trump's former personal attorney and fixer — detailed in his role in hush money payments made to adult film Stormy Daniels, who testified that Trump has an extramarital sexual encounter with her in 2006.

Trump's defense team aggressively attacked Cohen's credibility during crossed examination. But attorney Lanny Davis, who represented Cohen in the past, told MSNBC's Rev. Al Sharpton, during a late May interview, that the documents presented during the trial are powerful evidence regardless of what prosecutors had to say about his formerly client.

READ MORE: Former FBI counsel praises 'significant color' Michael Cohen brought to testimony

Davis, on Sharpton's show "Politics Nation," told the liberal activist and MSNBC host, "Documents speak for themselves. 'Believe your lying eyes' is what's going to happen in the jury room. They don't have to use anything that Michael Cohen said. All the jury has to do is believe that document and know that they were reimbursements that Michael Cohen was paid back for what he advanced for the crime of paying off Ms. Daniels before the election."

The attorney continued, "And that's enough for them to convict beyond a reasonable doubt without relying on Michael Cohen at all."

Although Davis didn't predict what the verdict will be, he stressed that the jurors have some damning evidence to work with.

Davis told Sharpton, "There's plenty of evidence here for the jury to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. But whatever happens, I will respect the jury's verdict."

READ MORE:'A man filled with anger': Michael Cohen's lawyer explains why 'the jury will believe him'

Watch the full video below or at this link.

Cohen's former attorney predicts how the verdict in the Trump Hush Money trial will impact election

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