What to do if you breakdown without cover: Essential steps for roadside emergencies

Breaking down without cover can cause a great deal of inconvenience and stress. If you find yourself in this situation, it's important to stay calm and prioritise your safety and the safety of your passengers.

We spoke to Alex Mills, the founder of Dynamo Cover who are a leading provider of breakdown cover, and he had the following to say: “It’s truly worrying how many people in the UK drive around without breakdown cover and I think if they knew the true costs of a breakdown in a car, they may want to consider it.” Alex then went on to say that “when you get car breakdown cover with Dynamo, you are protecting 24/7 365 days a year wherever you are in the UK or Europe for complete peace of mind”.

Being prepared can help you if your car breaks down

Your first step should be to move your vehicle to a safe location, if possible. Ensure that you’re not obstructing traffic and switch on your hazard lights to alert other road users of your presence.

Once you’re in a safe spot, assess the problem with your vehicle. Sometimes, the issue could be something minor that you can fix yourself, such as a flat tyre or a dead battery. Having a basic understanding of your car's mechanics and carrying a few essential tools can make a difference in such scenarios. If the problem is beyond your repair skills, your next action is to seek help.

Communication is key when you’re stranded without cover. If you have a mobile phone, use it to find nearby garages or mechanics who can provide roadside assistance. It’s helpful to know the contact details for local services or have access to apps that can connect you with tow services and mechanics.

Remember to inform someone about your situation, especially if you're travelling on a less-trafficked route or during unsociable hours. Stay with your vehicle until help arrives, and avoid attempting complex repairs on your own, as this can lead to further damage or personal injury.

Assessing your situation

When you experience a breakdown without cover, it's vital to quickly assess the situation to ensure your safety and determine the best course of action.

Safety first

Ensure your safety:

\- Move away from traffic: If possible, steer your vehicle to the side of the road to minimise the risk of an accident.

\- Stay visible: Turn on your hazard lights immediately, and if safe, place a warning triangle behind your vehicle to alert other road users.

Location awareness

Identify your location:

\- Use landmarks: Look for signs, buildings, or any distinct landmarks that can help you describe your location to recovery services.

\- Utilise technology: If available, use GPS services on your mobile device to pinpoint your exact position for a more precise recovery.

Vehicle assessment

Determine vehicle issues:

\- Check for obvious problems: Conduct a visual check for flat tyres, leaks, smoke, or anything that appears abnormal.

\- Gauge the problem's extent: Assess whether the issue is something minor you can handle or if professional assistance is necessary. Avoid attempting repairs if it puts you or your vehicle at risk.

Signalling for help

In the event of a vehicle breakdown without cover, it is vital to effectively signal for help to alert other road users and summon assistance.

Use of hazard lights

Immediately switch on your hazard lights to warn other motorists that your vehicle is stationary and potentially obstructing traffic. This action is universally recognised and should be done as soon as you realise that your vehicle is not operable.

Emergency roadside signage

If available, set up an emergency warning triangle at an appropriate distance behind your vehicle to give oncoming traffic ample notice. The recommended distance is at least 45 metres on regular roads, but this should be increased on fast-moving carriageways.

Making a distress call

Use your mobile phone to call for assistance. If you are on a motorway and your mobile phone is out of battery or has no signal, locate the nearest emergency telephone. This will connect you directly to the highway authorities who can dispatch help to your location.

Engaging with bystanders

If your vehicle breaks down and you're without cover, bystanders can be a valuable resource for assistance. It's essential to communicate clearly and to consider safety when interacting with strangers.

Asking for assistance

When seeking help from passers-by:

\- Be specific: Clearly state what you need, such as a phone to call for services or help pushing your vehicle to safety.

\- Stay visible: Position yourself in a safe location where you can be seen by others, ideally away from moving traffic.

Accepting help with caution

While accepting help:

Verify identity: If someone offers extensive assistance, like a lift, ask for identification first.

Public spaces: Try to stay in public areas for your safety when interacting with helpers.

Using technology to your advantage

In the event of a vehicle breakdown without cover, technology offers practical solutions that can facilitate assistance and potentially expedite recovery.

Mobile apps

Your smartphone is a critical tool during a breakdown, especially with the right apps. Apps like AA can be used to directly request roadside assistance. For less immediate advice, forums on apps like Reddit can offer quick tips on how to handle your situation.

Online services

Online services can be a lifeline when you're stranded. Websites like FixMyCar allow you to input your car's symptoms and possibly diagnose the issue. Meanwhile, platforms like WhoCanFixMyCar connect you with local garages that can tow and repair your vehicle.

GPS location sharing

Sharing your location via your smartphone can be vital in a breakdown situation. It allows recovery services to find you quickly. You can use built-in services like WhatsApp or Google Maps to share your precise location with a click.

Temporary solutions

When you find yourself with a broken-down vehicle without cover, it's crucial to handle the situation calmly and use available resources to find a temporary fix or conserve what you have until help arrives.

DIY quick fixes

Check the basics: Sometimes the issue can be minor and easily fixable.

Flat tyre: If you have a spare tyre, jack, and wheel brace, replace the flat tyre following your vehicle's manual.

Dead battery: If you have jump leads and a second vehicle is available, you may attempt to jump-start your car. Ensure both vehicles are off before connecting the cables.

Note: Only attempt these fixes if you have the right tools and knowledge.

Conserving resources

Stay safe and visible: Maintaining safety is your priority.

Conserve battery: Switch off all non-essential electrical items to save battery life.

Stay warm: If it's cold and you're waiting for help, keep the car's engine running occasionally to use the heater, but ensure the exhaust is not blocked by snow or debris to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Note: Conserving your phone battery is essential. Use it sparingly and only for emergency calls.

Seeking professional help

If your vehicle breaks down and you do not have cover, seeking professional help is the most reliable way to manage the situation. Ensure safety first, then proceed with the following steps.

Contacting local authorities

If you are in immediate danger or blocking traffic, contact the local authorities for assistance.

\- Emergency services: Dial 999 if you're in danger.

\- Non-emergency: Use 101 to report if you're causing an obstruction.

Finding a towing service

Locate a towing service to transport your vehicle to a garage or safe location.

\- Local directory: Check for nearby services.

\- Online search: Use your smartphone or ask a passerby to look up services.

Insurance company liaison

Get in touch with your insurance company even if you lack specific cover for breakdowns.

\- Policy check: Review your policy for any applicable benefits.

\- Incident report: Inform them of the breakdown details.

Staying safe while waiting

When your vehicle breaks down and you're without cover, your immediate priority is to ensure your safety until help arrives.

Remaining inside the vehicle

If you're on a busy road, it's usually safest to stay in your vehicle with the doors locked. If you can, move your vehicle to the side of the road or onto a hard shoulder.

Using safety equipment

Make use of any safety equipment in your vehicle. This includes:

\- Reflective jackets: Wear this if you need to exit the vehicle.

\- Warning triangle: Place it at a safe distance behind your vehicle to alert oncoming traffic.

\- Hazard lights: Keep them on to increase visibility.

Hydration and comfort

Maintaining your well-being is crucial while waiting for assistance.

\- Stay hydrated: Keep water in your car and drink if necessary.

\- Maintain a comfortable temperature: Use blankets or run the heater intermittently if it's cold, and in hot weather, open a window slightly for ventilation.

Post-emergency measures

After the immediate crisis has passed, it’s crucial to take the right steps to mitigate the impact of your vehicle breakdown.

Documenting the incident

Your first move should be to collect evidence of the incident, which can be helpful for insurance purposes. Document everything by taking photographs of your vehicle and the location. Note down any specifics such as time, date, the events leading up to the breakdown, and any attempted solutions or help from passers-by.

\- Photographs: Take pictures from different angles showing the condition and location of your vehicle.

\- Notes: Write down the time, date, and details of the breakdown circumstances.

Vehicle recovery planning

The second priority is arranging for your vehicle to be recovered. You may call a local towing service or, if it's safe, attempt minor repairs to make it to a nearby garage.

\- Tow service: Contact local services for quotes and timeframes.

\- Self-repair: Only if it is a small problem and you have the right tools and knowledge, proceed with caution.

Reviewing insurance coverage

Finally, review your existing insurance policy to understand what is covered. It is important to file a claim promptly if your policy covers the incident.

\- Policy details: Examine your insurance documents for breakdown cover.

\- Claim process: If covered, initiate the claim as soon as possible.