WhatsApp: Status update makes voice messages twice as good

As part of the latest update for WhatsApp on iOS and Android, the function for adding a voice message to status updates has changed. Previously, only very short recordings of a maximum of 30 seconds could be made here, but now users can finally include longer voice notes.

In fact, WhatsApp now allows voice notes that are twice as long, up to one minute. So if you haven’t discovered the feature yet or haven’t used it much, you can make the most. Above all, the change helps to avoid constantly starting a new recording in order to have longer voice messages in your status.

The function for sharing voice messages in the status has been around for a while. WhatsApp wanted to give users the opportunity to share more moments and stories with their contacts. In the future, there will be further improvements for status updates to improve the user experience in the long term.

The update is currently being rolled out and should appear for most WhatsApp users within the next few days. So if you still have the 30-second limit, you may need to update your app or wait a little longer until the update becomes available.

How to make voice messages in status on WhatsApp?

For all those who are not yet familiar with the function for voice messages in the status or have forgotten how to do it: here is a quick reminder.

First, go to the “News” tab in WhatsApp. There you tap on “My status” as usual to create a message, but here you will only find the function for photos and videos. For voice messages, you must instead go to the small pencil icon at the bottom right, which is found above the green camera icon.

There you can write a status message or simply record a voice message directly. The voice message will then be sent to all your contacts or the people you select at the bottom left.

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