Russian army drops 1,500 kg bomb on Donetsk village, injuring three, including child

Consequences of Russian air strike on Oleksiyevo-Druzhkivka on May 28

Read also: Russia kills two people in Donetsk Oblast - governor

“In the morning, the Russians dropped a one-and-a-half-ton bulk-detonating aircraft bomb with a planning and correction module on a village," he wrote.

"A child was lightly injured and does not need hospitalization, while two wounded adults were taken to the hospital."

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The explosion damaged about 100 houses, three of which were almost completely destroyed. Firefighting is currently underway.

Donetsk Oblast suffers from daily attacks by the Russian army. On May 26, five residents of Oblast were killed by Russian shelling, and three more people were injured.

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Section: Nation

Author: Владислав Литнарович