'Remarkable revisionism': Trump team argues Access Hollywood tape was no big deal

Former U.S. President Donald Trump on November 06, 2023 in New York City. (Photo by David Dee Delgado/Getty Images)

Todd Blanche, Donald Trump's attorney, put his own spin on the Access Hollywood tape that threw the Trump 2016 campaign into turmoil.

During closing arguments in the hush money trial on Tuesday, Blanche sought to downplay the importance of the Access Hollywood tape, where Trump was heard bragging that he could sexually assault women.

Blanche painted Trump as a victim of the tape's release.

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"Nobody — and I'm just going to state the obvious — nobody wants their family to be subjected to that sort of thing," he reportedly said. "The Access Hollywood tape is being set up in this trial to be something that it is not."

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"It was not a Doomsday event. President Trump, as you saw, addressed it in a video," he added. "He addressed it in a debate."

Politico's Kyle Cheney observed that Blanche's "revisionism" did not align with the facts.

"Remarkable revisionism from Trump's attorneys that Access Hollywood tape was really not a huge deal to his 2016 campaign," Cheney wrote. "It was an existential crisis that was blunted in part by release of Wikileaks emails and James Comey."

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