Trump attorney Blanche's future questioned with acquittal odds at 'zero to none': insiders

Attirney Todd Blanche (Photo by Jeenah Moon-Pool/Getty Images)

Whether attorney Todd Blanche remains a key member of Donald Trump's legal team after the Manhattan hush money trial wraps up in the next few days is open to speculation, according to three Trump insiders.

In interviews with the Daily Beast, one former Trump lawyer suggested that there is no way the former president will be exonerated and walk away free and clean, but that Blanche may survive to fight for Trump again.

According to ex-Trump attorney Ty Cobb, Blanche is a seasoned attorney who seemed "uncomfortable" as he went through his closing argument on Tuesday, with Cobb adding, “The chance of an acquittal is zero to none,” before adding he is not sure the former president will get the hung jury his lawyers may be hoping for, calling that "not likely.”

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However, he added, Trump kept lawyer Alina Habba in his circle despite her failures that cost Trump $83 million in the E. Jean Carroll trials.

Habba “is still on the payroll. So, you don’t really know with him [Trump]. Now, Todd’s not as attractive as Alina, so…” he suggested before adding, "He should stay on the team. Although he was a little less comfortable in court than I expected. I saw a lot of reporting [on Tuesday] that he seemed a little nervous and not necessarily as confident, at least in their assessment… But he’s got the skill set and the experience to do this well.”

Former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis is not as assured about Blanche's future.

"While every person deserves competent counsel, that counsel also deserves loyalty from their client. Loyalty goes one way with Trump. The problem with the current MAGA base is that they will take whatever position Trump tells them to," she stated before adding, "If Trump decides to publicly trash or blame Todd Blanche and the other attorneys, I’d bet that MAGA immediately brands them ‘the worst lawyers ever’ …instead of recognizing that lawyers can only do as much as they can with the situation—and client—they have."

She added that the former president is lucky to have someone as "competent" as Blanche.

A third Trump insider, who wished to remain anonymous, offered that Blanche could end up a "target" for Trump.

“He turns on everyone,” they said of Trump before adding, "he [Blanche] put all his eggs into [Trump’s] basket, and that’s not a healthy basket, because the eggs eventually go rotten… Rudy Giuliani was his best friend; he turned his back on him in two seconds. He’s disbarred, he’s twice-indicted, he’s bankrupt, he’s a laughing stock. He’s got nothing left.”

You can read more here.

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