Semi-naked man spotted prowling in fields near Canterbury evades police

A police search for a half-naked man proved fruitless after he was reportedly seen prowling fields in a village.

Residents reported seeing a person with shoulder-length blonde hair wearing just a coat near Mill Lane in Bridge, Canterbury.

Police searched for a half-naked man spotted walking in and near Mill Lane in Bridge, Canterbury. Picture: Google

The white male believed to be in his 50s or 60s was seen walking on and near the fields on Friday evening.

Police were called to the scene and searched the area.

But the semi-naked man was not found.

A force spokesman said: “We were called at 7.56pm on Friday to a report a man had been seen earlier that evening walking near Mill Lane, Bridge, Canterbury and was semi-dressed at the time.

“A description was passed to local patrols but the man matching the description was not located.”

Images were also shared of multiple police vehicles in Station Road, Bekesbourne on Friday evening.

There were also reports of dog handlers at the scene.

But the force could not confirm why police vehicles were there and if it related to the semi-naked man in Bridge.