Newark knifeman locked up for stabbing near town’s police station

A knifeman has been jailed after repeatedly stabbing someone within a few hundred metres of Newark’s police station.

Newark officers had to provide emergency first-aid in the station’s car park to a man after he was stabbed by Connor Kelsall.

The 26-year-old attacker pulled out a knife and used it while having an argument with a man he knew.

Knifeman Connor Kelsall has been jailed after stabbing a man near Newark Police Station.

Within a few seconds of a fight breaking out between the pair, Kelsall completely lost control and launched a frenzied attack on the victim.

The man was stabbed at least six times during the assault, which happened in an area between blocks of flats in Lover’s Lane.

After managing to break free from his attacker, the injured man staggered a few hundred metres up the road to nearby Newark Police Station.

He then collapsed at the gates of the car park, at which point he was spotted by officers, who treated him at the roadside until paramedics arrived.

The man suffered multiple stab wounds to his chest and upper thigh and was rushed to hospital, where he underwent surgery for a collapsed lung.

While this was taking place, police managed to track down and arrest Kelsall, shortly after the attack at 10.05pm on December 7, 2023.

He would go on to be charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent and possessing a knife in a public place.

After pleading guilty to both offences, the knifeman appeared at Nottingham Crown Court to be sentenced on Tuesday, May 28.

Kelsall, of Bridge Street, Newark, was jailed for six years and nine months.

He was also made subject to a 15-year restraining order preventing him from seeing or contacting his victim.

Detective Constable Chloe Baugh, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “Kelsall is incredibly fortunate his actions that night didn’t lead to him taking another man’s life.

“After getting into a fight with someone he knew, his response was to immediately pull out a knife and repeatedly use it during a prolonged attack.

“He must have known how much harm this had the potential to cause to the other man, but he still went ahead and did it anyway.

“Thankfully for everyone involved, the victim’s injuries weren’t even more serious, and he quickly received the medial treatment he needed.

“One of the reasons for this was due to the actions of the officers who provided first-aid to the victim at Newark Police Station until paramedics arrived.

“That decision to carry a knife and use it can lead to devastating consequences, so it deserves to be met with severe punishment.

“Bearing this in mind, we’re pleased to see that Kelsall has now received a hefty prison sentence for his behaviour.”