'She's a hammer': Steve Bannon puts Samuel Alito's wife on his Trump VP 'shortlist'

Alex Kent/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Former President Donald Trump ally and former strategist Steve Bannon has a novel idea for Trump's running mate search: he should pick Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's wife.

"Justice Alito's wife is now on my shortlist to be VP," said Bannon on the latest episode of his "War Room" show, first reported by Newsweek. "She's a hammer."

Martha-Ann Alito has been thrust into public consciousness after a series of scandals involving reports that insurrectionist and Christian nationalist flags were discovered flying outside the Alitos' primary residence and beach house, the former occurring right at the same time of the "Stop the Steal" protests that culminated in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

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The Supreme Court was currently deciding whether to hear a challenge to Pennsylvania's election certification for President Joe Biden, and decided against doing so, over Alito's objections.

Alito has said the flags were put up by his wife, without his involvement.

The revelations have resulted in widespread calls for Alito, one of the most far-right justices on the court, to recuse himself from the two current cases before the court that affect the extent to which Trump can be prosecuted for the insurrection schemes.

Alito has said he will not do so. Chief Justice John Roberts has likewise declined to meet with Senate Democrats on the issue.

Currently, there appears to be little indication of how Trump is leaning in his vice presidential search, although most of the people he is reportedly considering have made clear they are open to following his orders if he asks them to block the certification of an election, similar to what former Vice President Mike Pence refused to do.

Bannon is currently facing a prison sentence of four months after being convicted for contempt of Congress, for refusing to comply with subpoenas from the House Select Committee that investigated the January 6 attack. Federal prosecutors have urged a court to order him to report to prison, after his delay and appeal tactics have gone nowhere.

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