Shocking prenup saw wife lose money if she gained weight in the marriage - 'Horrific'

Social media users are currently debating a prenuptial agreement that saw a wife lose money for every 10 pounds she gained, with some even suggesting it’s reasonable.

Almost 50% of marriages end in divorce because relationships are difficult, with most ending around the 3-year mark. As such, most couples tend to sign a prenuptial agreement, sometimes called a prenup, before the big day in the hopes of mitigating any issues that could spring up as a result of bad habits, cheating, or one of the many other reasons people separate.

The prenup from hell, according to some

James Sexton, one of America’s leading divorce lawyers, recently appeared on Steven Bartlett’s The Diary Of A CEO podcast to talk about his profession and some of the crazy stories he has experienced over the years.

In a particularly jarring moment, which has accumulated nearly 700k likes on TikTok, James revealed that he once dealt with a case involving money being taken from the alimony pot due to weight gain.

“The most shocking prenup that I’ve ever seen, which was enforceable, had a provision that said for every ten pounds the wife gained in the marriage, she would lose $10k a month in alimony,” he said. “He was very concerned that she was going to become less attractive and he was going to become more wealthy.”

Upon divorcing with the $79k alimony a month, the woman would find herself with $10k less depending on the weight she gained from the moment of nuptials. James said the clause acted as an “incentive” for the wife to stay thin. Though the courts acknowledged how “disgusting” the clause was, they maintained its validity due to both parties willingly signing.

James said: “You can’t argue with the fact that there’s something very upfront about it. He was making it very clear and putting it in writing, here is the value you bring to this relationship.”

TikTok was split on the controversial prenup

While most social media users said the prenup was undoubtedly shocking, some did see the logic considering her alimony was $70k a month.

One person wrote: “A prenup and she still gets 70k a month is insane he has MONEY MONEY.”

“This would immediately be a reason to not get married,” another person wrote, while a third added, “If you’re going to make almost a million dollars a year in Alimony, heck yeah. Have ridiculous boundaries to the agreement.”

“So…how would they handle pregnancy? Does she like…get a reasonable sort of grace period? if not she should have the anti-cheat one in there.,” someone else questioned.