'He just won the election': Mike Lindell is elated by Trump's guilty verdict

Screengrab / War Room

MyPillow CEO and MAGA disciple Mike Lindell was gushing with glee over Donald Trump's historic guilty verdict because he feels it sealed a victory come November 5, when Americans head to the ballot box to vote.

"Everybody's been flocking me in my office asking me: 'What do you think? What do you think?' — I think he just won the election," an ebullient Lindell said while being interviewed by War Room host and former senior Trump White House advisor Steve Bannon shortly after the verdict came down.

The 45th president earned an infamous place in the American canon for being found guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records by masking six-figure hush money payments to a woman alleging an affair as a means to influence the results of the 2016 election.

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"I always look at the positive in everything and when you want to expose everything that's gone wrong in our country you have to expose our justice system," Lindell said. "And boy it got exposed tonight."

Lindell was all smiles but also condemned the process that historically turned the 77-year-old presumptive Republican nominee for president into a convict.

"This is a travesty and the whole world knows it," said Lindell.

The value for Trump's brand, according to the pillow pitchman, is priceless.

"And I tell you — you can't beat this for publicity," said Lindell. "For — if you want to expose something, this did it in a big way. One of the biggest ways in history."

Lindell had thought because the verdict swiftly deliberated by the New York City jury for fewer than 12 hours, that it was a good harbinger.

"I thought, 'Well that came back fast! He's got to be innocent!' — and it came back and guilty on all [sic] counts — 'You gotta be kidding me!'"

He then suggested that Trump's fighting a biblical war.

"God uses all things for good," he stated. "Evil has overplayed its hand. Evil has overplayed its hand."

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