Russia has stolen billions from Ukraine's agriculture industry - investigation opened

Russia has stolen more than 1.7 thousand tons of Ukrainian grain and agricultural products

"Russia has stolen and destroyed billions of dollars worth of Ukrainian grain and other agricultural products since the beginning of the full-scale invasion,” the agency said.

“More than 1,700 tons of agricultural products were illegally exported from the temporarily occupied territories. The destruction of agricultural infrastructure through shelling and (other) hostilities constitutes another Russian crime."

Russia systematically exports stolen products abroad and sells them to the world market, while at the same time hiding the origin of the products.

Ukrainian prosecutors have already issued arrest warrants for more than 20 vessels, sent requests for mutual legal assistance, and sent 20 indictments to court, Deputy Prosecutor General, Dmytro Verbytskyi, reported at the Ukrainian Grain Conference held in Kyiv.

Russia's attempt to hide the Ukrainian origin of the products, as well as that necessary documents and witnesses are in the temporarily occupied territories or in Russia itself, significantly inhibits the investigation, the agency admitted.

Read also: Ukraine on track to meet grain export goals despite Russian attacks – UK Foreign Secretary

"The Prosecutor General's Office urges international partners, agro-traders, and public organizations to assist in tracking the international flow of stolen Ukrainian agricultural products and the financing of these illegal sales," the agency said.

Russia continues to steal Ukrainian grain on a massive scale, it was reported earlier.

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Section: Nation

Author: Дарина Халперина