Attorney Blanche's two 'crucial errors' led to Trump's 34-count conviction: prosecutor

Donald Trump, Todd Blanche (Photo via AFP)

During an appearance on. MSNBC's "Way Too Early," State Attorney for Palm Beach County Dave Aronberg claimed Donald Trump's lead attorney Todd Blanche, needs to shoulder a major part of the blame for the former president's conviction on 34 felonies on Thursday.

Speaking with host Johnathan Lemire and MSNBC regular Katty Kay, the prosecutor highlighted what he called two flubs by the former president's lead attorney that led to Trump becoming a convicted felon.

"I wasn't too surprised [by the conviction]," the prosecutor began. "The prosecution successfully established a firewall around Michael Cohen, and that was important because it neutralized Trump's best defense which is to call Michael Cohen a liar and to say you've got to just reject the case built around Michael Cohen."

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"And the failure of Todd Blanche to adequately wound Cohen on the stand was devastating because I thought Blanche made a couple crucial errors," he continued. "First he stuck by Trump's claim Stormy Daniels was lying, and that allowed Daniels to provide dirty details about her sexual encounter with Donald Trump, and also it cost Blanche and Trump credibility because no one believed that the sexual encounter didn't happen."

"And secondly, he claimed that the $35,000 a month payment to Michael Cohen was not a reimbursement but for legal services, and that poor close was, I think, was Trump's best defense which is that the legal services actually covered the reimbursement to a lawyer slash fixer and Trump didn't intend to deceive," he added. "But Trump's defense made it easier for prosecutors to prove that Trump acted deceptively and turning an obvious $130,000 reimbursement into a bogus $420,000 legal expense."

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