Film star was arrested for attempted murder after blacking out from alcohol - 'Terrifying'

We’ve all been there, having a few too many drinks with a friend or on a night out and waking up the next day not sure exactly what happened and in what particular order. But for Colin Farrell, his night out drinking ended up becoming a nightmare, when he was arrested the following day on suspicion of attempted murder.

The movie star has enjoyed a long and successful career in Tinsel Town. The Irish-born actor has appeared in many big blockbusters, from The Gentleman and The Batman (2022) to Phone Booth and Total Recall. The 47-year-old is now a major name in Hollywood, as well as being up for an Oscar and a Golden Globe. However, it wasn’t always plain sailing for the celebrity, as Colin Farrell admitted cops arrested him believing he took part in an attempted murder plot after a night of drinking. Hangover from hell? Definitely.

Colin Farrell was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder

Photo by Gilbert Flores/Variety via Getty Images

The ‘terrifying’ night was revealed when he appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon back in 2015.

Colin Farrell, alongside host Jimmy and film star Vince Vaughn, played a game of Confessions, where they tell each other a truth or lie and the other players have to deduce which one it is – but they were not expecting Farrell to come out with his attempted murder story.

The incident took place when he was in his teens, with the Dublin star interrogated by Australian police when he was staying in Sydney.

He was Down Under enjoying a vacation and had a big night of drinking the night before, and it admitted most of the evening was gone from ‘blacking out’.

So when cops brought him in, claiming he could be the person who savagely beat a man before setting his apartment on fire, his foggy memory didn’t help the situation. Like, at all.

Colin Farrell even questioned himself whether he committed the attempted murder, because the police sketch of the suspect looked eerily similar to him.

“It was a long time ago, and I was drunk,” he told Jimmy and Vince.

“I saw a photo-fit of the guy that actually did the crime, and it looked remarkably like me and for a second I – because I had had a blackout that night – I wondered, ‘could I have done such a thing?’”

‘It was me’

Colin may have kept his cool in the TV game, but he did confess he panicked at the time.

He added: “They showed me a photo-fit, a pencil sketch of the guy that had attempted to murder, this other gentleman – had beat him up and left him in his own apartment, set the apartment on fire and split, thereby leaving him to burn to death – and it was me.

“They had bushy eyebrows, a mole on his face, spoke even in 2D with an Irish accent.”

Cops believed Farrell was the man behind the crime, but luckily, his friend was able to provide an alibi.

This was before the age of iPhones and social media, where a quick Instagram upload can prove where you are most of the time.

“It was terrifying,” he said.

“I was there for about six hours and then thankfully a friend of mine had kept a journal of that particular night and that particular time we were at a party the other side of town doing ecstasy,” he confessed.

However, when asked if cops ever caught the person who committed the attempted murder, Colin Farrell admitted they never did.


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