Newark Tae Kwon-Do Club celebrating black belt success

A Tae Kwon-Do club is celebrating a member’s promotion to first degree black belt.

Alan Richardson, of Newark Tae Kwon-Do Club, has been promoted to first degree black belt by a panel of 9th degree World Masters after performing at a grading in Daventry recently.

Alan was tested on traditional aspects and the theory of the martial art, as well as a mixture of sparring and self-defence techniques.

Alan Richardson receiving his certificates at Newark Tae Kwon-Do Club.

The grading was the culmination of many months of preparation as Alan honed his skills under the watchful eye of club instructor Daniel Pearce at Fernwood Village Hall.

Daniel was full of praise, noting how much time and dedication Alan has shown to reach this level.

He added: “This is a sport for everyone. It is suitable for adults and children, meaning we have many families training with us in the club. But for those that want to go further and achieve big goals like black belt we can support them to fulfil their potential. Alan has shown the kind of dedication to martial arts that singles people out for success, and I am pleased he has been rewarded for his efforts”.

Alan has a fine haul of medals after a glittering competition career which has seen him win many national titles.

Now he intends to continue taking part in the sport whilst helping to inspire the next generation by earning his coaching certificate.