3-morning habits that'll boost your energy and no, it's not a cup of coffee

Feeling groggy or drained when you wake up can impact the entire day. Sticking to certain morning habits makes a huge difference in your energy levels.

While exercising and eating healthy help your overall health in the long run, there are three things you can do soon after waking up to recharge yourself.

Man getting up in the morning

3 things to do to wake up feeling fresh

Dr. Karan Raj on TikTok suggests doing three things as soon as you wake up to boost your energy which are easy to follow.

Eat a piece of fruit

Starting your day with a piece of fruit is one of the ways to increase your energy level. The doctor says your blood glucose level is the lowest when you wake up, and the sugar from fruits provides energy and helps you stay alert.

However, the doctor advises eating only a piece of fruit suitable for your health as overdoing it can spike blood glucose levels. Furthermore, you must check with your doctor if it’s safe for you to eat any fruit on an empty stomach if you have underlying health conditions. Dr. Karan’s advice is for an average healthy person.

Step out in the sunlight

Soaking in the sun has several health benefits, including a boost in energy. The doctor says exposing yourself to natural light increases cortisol and decreases melatonin, making you more active.

We previously told you about the power of sunlight to ‘reverse diabetes’ and its symptoms. Naturopathic doctor Janine Bowring says, more insulin is secreted by the pancreas in reaction to the UV light on the skin, which helps control your blood glucose level.

Hydrate yourself after waking up

As your body and brain are dehydrated overnight, drinking a large glass of water first thing in the morning will keep you fresh and energized.

Dr. Karan claims even a small percentage of dehydration can make your “brain shrink”, impacting memory focus and mood.

The research on the effects of a change in water intake on mood states: A switch toward an increase in water intake has especially beneficial effects on sleep/wake moods of habitual low-volume drinkers.

Furthermore, drinking more water during the day helps you sleep better at night as you won’t wake up as frequently to empty your bladder.

Dr. Karan is best known for his videos related to medicine and health across different social media platforms. His expertise combined with entertainment has gained him millions of followers.

He is a certified NHS surgeon from London, currently serving as a lecturer at Sunderland University. Dr. Karan boasts over seven years of experience.