'Locks on the doors': Alex Jones claims authorities trying 'to shut down InfoWars tonight'

Conservative radio host Alex Jones on Nov. 14, 2014. [YouTube]

Fringe conservative host Alex Jones said Saturday that federal authorities are trying to "shut down" InfoWars, his website.

Jones, a right-wing television personality and court-adjudicated conspiracy theorist, took to social media over the weekend to issue an alert about InfoWars being shuttered.

"BREAKING: Feds Attempting To Shut Down InfoWars Tonight!" the host shouted as he launched a live show on X.

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Mike Adams, a fellow conspiracy theorist and self-appointed "food scientist" and "health ranger," reported on some of the details.

"Alex Jones just broadcast today that government is right now in the process of attempting to illegally seize the InfoWars studios, to put locks on the doors, then force liquidate all broadcast assets, to silence [Jones]," Adams wrote. "Alex slept in his studio last night and has publicly said he would call local police to stop the illegal federal raid on his studios. Details are coming in slowly, situation is uncertain."

He then continued:

"Not able to verify everything at this time, but everyone should pray for [Jones] and the InfoWars operation, pray for their safety and for their defense against a corrupt cabal of government thugs who have 'convicted' Trump of a made-up crime and are now shutting down prominent alt media in America."

In the live space, Jones asked a right-wing attorney on air what he should do to stop the shut down of his operations.

"This signifies weakness by them," Jones said. "They won't leave me alone."

The lawyer declined to give legal advice, but said attorneys used the families of Sandy Hook victims as "political pawns." Jones was ordered to pay restitution to those families after spreading lies and conspiracy theories about the attack, resulting in harassment from potential Jones listeners.

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