'Kari Lake got served' a lawsuit the moment jury was reading Trump's guilty verdicts

(Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

The exact moment that the jury was reading its 34 felony convictions for Donald Trump, his close associate Kari Lake was reportedly served with a defamation lawsuit.

Caroline Wren, senior adviser to Lake, who is herself a failed Arizona governor candidate and current GOP senate candidate, "broke the news" on Steve Bannon's "War Room" show.

"I'll break a little news for you here, Steve. You know what happened as they were reading the guilty verdicts of Donald Trump? Kari Lake got served, her husband got served, Don Jr. got served, I got served in a defamation lawsuit by the election administrator in Arizona," she said.

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She went on to question the timing of the developments.

"You think they just happened by chance to serve Rudy at his 80th birthday party? You think they happened by chance to serve Kari Lake during the guilty verdict? No. This is all purposeful."

@ArtCandee on social media reacted with laughter, "Hahhahahahahahahahahahah!"

"Caroline Wren, Kari Lake’s senior advisor, tells Steve Bannon that when Trump’s 34 guilty verdicts were being read, herself, Kari Lake and her husband, and Don Jr., were served for an election lawsuit in Arizona," the user wrote.

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