Don’t be surprised if Trump paints N.J. red | Letters

Star-Ledger letters to the editor

For many years, minority group voting in Newark, Camden, Patterson and Trenton has heavily favored Democrats, which has helped New Jersey become a really difficult state for Republicans.

There are some obvious but possibly overlooked reasons why this year may be different, especially in the presidential. Opinion polls suggest that Donald Trump will get a much higher percentage of votes from large cities than he did in 2016 or 2020. People living there now live with higher prices for eggs, cheese, milk, gasoline, etc., as we all do.

Democrats’ have failed to deliver on their past promises. Their new promises are falling on deaf ears as family cash flow is a major, current problem.

Trump, in his recent, well-attended Wildwood event, promised that energy windmills will never be built off the coast of New Jersey. A lot of people are paying close attention to that promise.

President Joe Biden just promised that he will make sure “affordable housing” is more available in the suburbs. And, more available federal funds for sewer-line extensions would likely permit more high-density housing. Developers may buy a small house on a large lot, tear it down, and replace it with four or six units if public sewage collection becomes available.

Also, nearly every one of our towns has its own police force. Attempts to limit qualified immunity for police actions would mean that more officers and their families could be sued personally. This is a major problem affecting police behavior and the ability to fill police jobs. Trump has promised that qualified immunity would not be weakened while he is the president.

These are a just few ideas that New Jerseyans may think about that could turn the state “red.” Remember, an informed public is an essential part of democracy.

David F. Lipton, Toms River

Who rigged an election? (No, not that one)

Donald Trump was right. There was an attempt to rig the presidential election. The year was 2016, not 2020, and the rigger was him. As a prosecutor recently stated in closing arguments before Trump was convicted, he paid hush money to Stormy Daniels “to manipulate and defraud the voters.”

This is one of the rich ironies of the Trump clown car: He is often guilty of the worst conduct he ascribes to others, while believing he can sell his victim act to the American people because he thinks at heart the rest of us are fools and suckers. Well, at least half are proving him correct, which may not have surprised P.T. Barnum.

In the mood for more irony? Trump was selling Christian bibles and laughing all the way to the bank. Did he Wite-out the commandments he found inconvenient, such as “Thou shall not steal,” “Thou shall not commit adultery” and “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor”?

Does he “keep the Sabbath day holy” or is he out regularly cheating —according to witnesses — at Sunday golf? Hey, five commandments instead of 10 might not have hurt book sales among Trump’s faithful.

Trump selling Bibles for $60 each with a side car for the Constitution is about as upside down as this circus can get, except for a second term for this immoral and unhinged insurrectionist. And now, convicted felon too.

Sal Caruana, Westfield

Ocean Grove deserves a compromise

One thing glaringly missing from the emotionally charged issue of Ocean Grove beach access on Sunday mornings is a little common sense and compromise.

The state dug in its heels based on the norm that other public-access New Jersey beaches are open, and the community dug in its heels to keep the beach closed based on its tradition and religious history.

Nowhere in any published account does one see efforts to reach an agreement that, while not perfect, gives both sides something. A potential solution would be for Ocean Grove to pro-rate beach badge fees on Sundays to reflect the reduced hours that the beach is open. This would allow the religious community to keep its tradition while making the fee for Sunday beachgoers fair by not charging them for time they are not allowed to utilize the beach.

Fred Hoth, Middlesex

A walk on the wild side

I see people walking, jogging and even pushing baby strollers in the street. I guess they don’t know how many pedestrians get killed doing this. Sidewalks, where available, are a much safer alternative.

It only takes a new or distracted driver a second to end your life, or your baby’s life.

Darwinism is brutal. Please use the sidewalk.

Tom Scott, Spotswood

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