Plans to build 14 homes north of the A339 in Headley refused by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

Plans to build 14 homes in Headley have been refused.

Basingstoke and Deane planners issued their decision to turn down the new residential development on May 21.

Headley Village Commmunity Shop

The homes would have been built at the end of a track on the north side of the A339 just before the A-road’s junction with Ashford Hill Road.

The refusal will likely be welcomed by Headley residents as the planning application garnered 32 objection letters.

Planners turned down the 14 homes because they “would not represent a suitable form of development”.

The homes were also refused because they “would represent an incongruous and suburban form of development which fails to correspond with the rural character of the area” and the development would not make “adequate provision” for community and infrastructure contributions such as affordable housing and green spaces.