Video of Russian soldiers abusing Ukrainian POWs spreads after being shared by UA Ombudsman - video

Video footage of the occupiers abusing Ukrainian prisoners

The video took place near Kharkiv according to preliminary analysis, he said.

Video 18+

Read also: Russia executes 32 Ukrainian POWs over winter — UN report

The occupiers demand that Ukrainian prisoners sing the Soviet national anthem, then beat the prisoners and order the fallen Ukrainian soldier to get up.

The occupiers threaten to kill the blindfolded prisoner and shoot a machine gun near him.

"The video recorded beatings, humiliation, threats, imitation of shooting," the ombudsman said.

"Unfortunately, such treatment of Ukrainian POWs is not an exception to the rules, but a common tactic for the occupiers."

These actions are a violation of the Geneva Conventions, which guarantees humane treatment for POWs, Lubinets said.

"This case should be recorded as more proof of Russia's violation of international humanitarian law!", he said.

"I sent official letters to the ICRC and the UN to document the abuse. This will be more evidence for the future criminal tribunal."

Russia does not follow any rules of warfare and is absolutely not ashamed to demonstrate its cruel and inhumane actions, he said.

Lubinets called on the world to react to bring Russia to justice so that the right of force does not triumph over the force of law.

Read also: Ukrainian military responds to reports of Ukrainian POW executions near Krynky, Kherson Oblast

The Prosecutor General's Office has 27 criminal proceedings for the execution of Ukrainian POWs, reported on April 9.

54 POWs are known to have been killed.

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Section: Nation

Author: Alla Shcherbak