Nottinghamshire Police launches hard-hitting campaign to educate and prevent children and young people from falling victim to Sextortion

Callous criminals usually disguising themselves as ‘young and attractive’ women online have exploited more than 1,000 young people across Nottinghamshire.

Nottinghamshire Police have launched a hard-hitting campaign to educate and prevent children and young people from falling victim to this ‘nasty and manipulative’ crime.

Shocking figures reveal the number of ‘Sextortion’ reports across our city and county have increased more than six-fold over the last few years – from 80 reports in 2019 to a staggering 547 in 2023.

Sextortion social media asset

More than 100 reports have already been made this year.

Criminals will often follow a young person’s social media accounts or send them friend requests’ pretending to be a ‘young and attractive’ woman.

They will usually try and identify with the victim through private messages, such as mentioning they are studying at a particular university and school.

The conversation can last for days before it takes a dark turn.

Criminals will gain their trust and attempt to progress things to the next level, often sending intimate pictures of the person they think they are talking to, encouraging them to do the same.

However, once they have an intimate picture or video of the victim, they will immediately use this material against them.

A typical message will say — Stay calm, don’t panic, I have recorded that video / saved that picture of you and I will ruin your life if you don’t follow my instructions.’

They will then send a screen grab of all the victim’s social media contacts such as friends, family and colleagues and threaten to send it to all of them unless they are paid.

They will even attempt to call the victim to heighten the threat. On most occasions, the voice is that of a male and not a female.

Some of the criminals have even sent the victim details of their schools and universities social media accounts and threatened to post it on these channels as well.

Sums of up to £5,000 have been demanded. Some victims have paid up to £1,000 with one university student left without any money to pay his rent.

In some cases, the criminal has followed up with the threat and sent the naked pictures and videos out. In one case, an image was sent to the teenage victim’s mum who called the police. Other victims have found out after friends have contacted them.

Most victims are male, predominately between the ages of 14 to early 20s, who have been left feeling mortified, anxious, socially withdrawn and even suicidal as a result.

Nottinghamshire Police have a team of detectives who investigate every report of Sextortion and offer support to each victim.

Most of the time, the IP address will be based overseas, which makes it incredibly difficult to prosecute the criminals behind these blackmail cases.

Prevention is therefore key to ensuring that more young people do not fall victim to this scam.

Schools officers will be delivering Sextortion presentations to children across the city and county, warning them of the dangers and how to stay safe online.

Posters with the QR code to our video will be distributed across bars, pubs, nightclubs and other licensed venues across the city centre.

Inspector Dan Evans, who works in public protection for Nottinghamshire Police, said: “This must be a horrific experience for victims.

“These criminals use well-practiced and sophisticated tactics. They know how to set up profiles that look legitimate and know just what to say to entice a young person in.

“I believe the reports we have received are just the tip of the iceberg. There will be many victims out there who have never reported Sextortion to police, maybe through shame and embarrassment.

“But they have nothing to be ashamed about. They have done nothing wrong.

“The criminal has lured them into a false sense of security, essentially groomed them, and then threatened to use what they thought was a private and intimate conversation against them.

“I would advise young people to pay close attention to who they are adding on their social media channels and who is following their socials.

“At a time when young people want to build their social media status, it can come at a dangerous cost because you don’t actually know who is following you.

“We know these criminals work across all platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, even dating sites such as Tinder.

“They may try and move you onto other channels so they can get that intimate picture or video of you.

“They will then use all the information they have collected, including your contacts list to force you to hand over money, Bitcoin or even gift cards and vouchers.

“Unfortunately, sometimes these are not just idle threats, and they will go through with it.

“Never pay them if you fall victim. Once a payment is completed, they will always come back asking for more. They won’t stop.

“They will say this is the last payment and then start the cycle again. They know what they have on you is enough to make you worry about the consequences.

“One student in Nottingham was left with no money to pay his rent. Despite him begging with the criminal that he had ‘nothing left’ they wouldn’t let it go despite previous promises they would delete the incriminating picture of him.

“Are we concerned about Sextortion in Nottingham? Yes, we are. It has a devastating impact on victims and their families.

“We hope this campaign will bring the subject to the forefront. We want people to talk about it, share our video, and prevent as many people as possible falling for this nasty and manipulative crime.

“The more we can educate, the less these criminals can thrive.”

The police has put together a number of tips and advice to keep people safe from Sextortion, such as:

• Review your privacy settings. Criminals are less likely to target you if they can’t see who your friends and family are.

• If you’re not comfortable speaking to the person or being contacted by someone you don’t know, end the chat quickly and remove them from your channels.

• Be careful of those trying to start a conversation / relationship with you very quickly online – they may even send you a sexual image first.

• Be cautious about new people you are speaking to online – can you validate they are who they say they are. If you can’t, remove them from your channels.

• Never share sexual images or information about yourself if you are not comfortable or feel under pressure to do so. Criminals involved in Sextortion will consistently ask for that naked picture or video of you and are less interested in other conversations.

For those are are victims of sextortion, the police advise to:

• Don’t panic, help and support is available.

• Stop all communication with the offender immediately.

• Don’t pay, even if you are tempted, as there is no guarantee that this will stop the threats.

• Save the evidence: take screenshots, save messages and images, make a note of usernames, email addresses, phone numbers and bank account numbers.

• Collect URL links to where your images or information is being shared online.

Most social media sites have rules against sharing intimate content without consent.

People should be able to get the material removed and if you have paid the person, consider telling your bank as they may not be able to get any money back but it helps the police and the banks to know it’s happened.

People can contact the police on 101 or through their online portal.