'How dare you?' 'The View' host flies into fury over Trump ally's latest defense

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and "The View's" Ana Navarro (Photos: Gage Skidmore and screen capture/ABC video)

"The View" opened Monday ridiculing Donald Trump as a "big baby" and blasting "emotional support senators" — with particular focus onMarco Rubio (R-FL).

Over the weekend, Trump spoke with Fox News hosts about his recent conviction on 34 felony counts.

"A lot of Republicans are rallying behind the big baby after he was found guilty," Whoopi Goldberg said at the top of the show.

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She also hit out at the claim Trump made to his Fox "support group," claiminghe never said anybody should be locked up — despite numerous rally appearances at which he led crowds in chants of "lock her up" aimed at Hillary Clinton. He said it was his supporters that were doing the chanting — though many fact-checks, including the one from "The View," showed that not to be true.

Read Also: 8 ways convicted felon Donald Trump doesn't become president

"You know," Goldberg said after showing the clip. "For someone who brags about passing cognitive exams, he really has a short-term memory."

But it was Republican commentator Ana Navarro who was really incensed — over comments made by Rubio.

Also speaking to Fox over the weekend, Rubio compared Trump to freedom fighters in Cuba. Rubio's parents fled to the United States during the revolution before communist leader Fidel Castro took over.

Rubio attacked the judicial proceeding as "a quintessential show trial" and "what you see in communist countries." He claimed the trial was nothing more than "an effort to interfere in an election."

"How dare you, Marco?" Navarro shouted. "How dare you? Cubans were shot in front of firing squads. How dare you use their name in vain so you can suck up to this man? I know you want to be his vice president, but don't you dare use the name of these people who died protecting freedom and compare our U.S. judicial system to what happens in Cuba, what happens in Nicaragua, what happens in Venezuela!"

Navarro's family fled to the United States from Nicaragua during the Sandinista revolution.

Goldberg confessed she didn't understand how Cuban Americans and others like them could be so supportive of someone like Trump.

"All my life, I have heard the Cuban people say, we never want to see that. We're going to make sure it never happens here," she recalled. "How can they not recognize when the man says, 'I'm going to be this guy?' What's — what are we missing?"

Alyssa Farah Griffin, the former White House communications director for Trump, confessed she's concerned about political violence. But she said, "A criminal conviction does not help him win a general election, and now the data is showing us that that's the case."

She cited a Morning Consult poll showing 49 percent of Independents and 15 percent of Republicans believe Trump should drop out of the race immediately.

See the full conversation below or at the link here.

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