Rangers fired ‘no need to sell’ transfer warning as Nils Koppen has brakes pulled on deal

Damian Garcia is just one of a number of top young Latin American talents being linked to Rangers.

Whilst the Gers appear to have missed out on Panamanian defender Jose Cordoba, Colombian winger Oscar Cortes has extended his loan deal at the club.

Chileno defender Thomas Galdames has also been extensively linked whilst Brazilian left-back Jefte has officially joined countryman Danilo at Ibrox.

Damian Garcia is however one of the most exciting names which have been mentioned alongside Rangers.

The Uruguayan U20 World Cup winner currently plies his trade with Peñarol and boasts a solid pedigree.

But before Rangers fans go and start getting carried away, a local radio station has pulled the brakes on any summer transfer.

Photo by DANTE FERNANDEZ/AFP via Getty Images

Peñarol stubborn with Garcia

Damian Garcia is in the midst of something of a contract dispute with Peñarol.

The midfielder, 20, is currently out of contract in December and the player’s agent has been out stoking the flames in the press.

Demanding more money for his client in exchange for a guarantee over a transfer fee, it’s something which will likely come to a head in the weeks ahead.

But in the mean time, journalist Nacho Ruglio has told Uruguayan radio station Carve Deportivo that Peñarol are in no rush to sell the kid.

What’s more, it’s claimed the Uruguayan league leaders will only let the player leave at the end of the season in December.

Translated the message reads:

“Peñarol does not need to sell. He doesn’t need money for next month’s salaries like he always did. We could sell Damián García now but he would only leave from December.”

Rangers face transfer wait

Rangers fans will certainly take the claims with the same pinch of salt they tasted the links to Damian Garcia in the first place.

The link first appeared on X via South American football journalist Nathan Joyes.

Having claimed Rangers were interested, another local journalist in Klaus German intervened to suggest that Peñarol would only strike a deal which suited them.

Namely this would involve selling the midfielder before loaning him back for the final six months of the year.

This would be in keeping with Ruglio’s claims that Peñarol are under no pressure to sell the player this summer.

Whatever the case, the comments from Damian Garcia’s agent suggest that Rangers will have to cough up should they genuinely be interested in the Uruguayan.

“We have been talking and I think we are going to reach an agreement,” said agent Edgardo Lasalvia.

“They, especially Eduardo Zaidensztat (Peñarol vice-president), rest because they know that I am not going to take a free player from the club.

“I’m going to renew it and we’re going to go through the big door.

“Let people (be) rest assured because the players of the TMA team (their representation agency) do not leave through the back door, beyond the leaders. The leaders pass and Peñarol belongs to the people.”

Damian Garcia made headlines this week when he got off the mark for Peñarol to extend the club’s lead at the top of the Uruguayan Primera Divison.