Emery should now follow Guardiola blueprint to take Aston Villa to the next level in 2024/25 - opinion

Unai Emery could be tempted to make a key change to his Aston Villa squad next season in preparation for the Champions League.

After the highs of the 2023/24 campaign, Aston Villa will be gunning for more next term as the Villans return to the Champions League.

Unai Emery’s side will challenge among Europe’s elite after finishing fourth in the Premier League table, with far more to compete for in 2024/25.

With that, the manager could be tempted to make some changes to his squad, starting with the formation.

Photo by Neville Williams/Aston Villa FC via Getty Images

Unai Emery should implement Pep Guardiola tactics at Aston Villa

Emery’s favoured 4-2-3-1 formation has worked to good effect at Villa following his arrival in 2022.

The manager has the players required to play a traditional back four with two holding midfielders however, changes could be made to bolster Villa’s style of play.

Many coaches in Europe have adopted a formation relying on having three defenders at the back and relying on a holding midfielder to step back when required.

Such approach has been utilised expertly by Pep Guardiola in the Premier League, and is something that could benefit Emery at Villa Park.

The reason for this is simple, Villa’s personnel at the back would suit such formation far more than what is played now.

For example, Ezri Konsa has featured at right-back for the majority of the season as opposed to playing centrally, due to Emery’s preference of having a strong defensive outlet on the right.

Matty Cash has been discarded from the starting XI to see Konsa step in, with the Englishman having the perfect profile to play in a back three.

The same can be said for Pau Torres and Diego Carlos – preferably Tyrone Mings when he is fit – whose skill set would be well suited to playing in a trio rather than a static back four.

If there’s one area that has room for improvement, it’s Villa’s defence, as the Midlands club conceded an alarming number of goals last term, at least 20 more than their top four rivals, Liverpool, Arsenal and Manchester City.

While switching to a back three could strengthen Villa’s back line, it could also benefit those further upfield to great effect.

Photo by Joe Prior/Visionhaus via Getty Images

Villa’s attack could improve with a formation change

By having adequate defensive cover, Emery’s wide players could particularly benefit from a switch in formation.

Over 2023/24, the likes of Moussa Diaby and Leon Bailey were expected to provide defensive cover to support those behind them.

The pair could be handed more freedom to stay forward if Emery was to make a change at the back, with less of a requirement for them to track back on the flanks.

By doing so, the Spaniard could almost utilise his front three as three forwards, rather than having to demand his wide players to adopt the traditional role of a wide midfielder.

There is a reason that clubs across Europe are finding sanctuary by playing less traditional styles in defence, with minor tweaks having the capacity to take Villa to the next level tactically.

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