'Surprised they let me live': Mike Flynn likens his 'character assassination' to JFK slay

Michael Flynn addresses the Republican National Convention in 2016. (Shutterstock.com)

Michael Flynn compared himself to political martyrs such as former President John F. Kennedy and civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in a new two-hour film he reportedly made about himself.

Of course, the disgraced former national security adviser hasn't actually been killed by his enemies, but he says they may as well have been, according to a deeply reported article published by Mother Jones.

“I’m surprised they haven’t killed me,” Flynn says in the film. “I’m surprised that they let me continue to live…we’ve gone from a physical assassination of a president of the United States to a character assassination of a national security adviser.”

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The film, "Flynn: Deliver the Truth, Whatever the Cost," seems to be intended to rehabilitate the image of the former three-star U.S. Army general.

After former President Barack Obama removed him as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014, Flynn appeared next to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a dinner in Moscow, led "lock her up" chants against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

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Former President Donald Trump pardoned Flynn in November 2020.

Mother Jones senior reporter Stephanie Mencimer wrote Wednesday that she found Flynn's film disorienting, misleading and strangely convincing.

"As I watched happy scenes of the shirtless retiree shooting hoops with his brother in the pool — he played water polo in college — I asked myself why I was wasting so much time on a movie about a guy I’m not sure anyone still cares about," Mencimer wrote. "I realized I had wanted the film to answer the greatest mystery that still makes Flynn so interesting: How did he get here? Why did a decorated military general known for his brilliance in military intelligence wake up one day and decide to take the QAnon oath? Why did such a renowned straight talker plead the Fifth dozens of times when he was deposed by the House January 6 committee?

"People have been asking these questions for years, but as yet, no one has discovered the unifying theory of Michael Flynn that explains his transformation," she added. "His film doesn’t provide one either. If Flynn the movie fails to shed much light on the unraveling of Flynn the man, it does succeed as a painful reminder of what the Trump years were like — with all the chaos and corruption — and a foreshadowing of what might happen should he be elected again."

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