'She knows damn well': Legal expert comes 'unglued' in outburst over Senator Susan Collins

(Photos: AFP and Screen capture)

Former top Justice Department prosecutor Andrew Weissmann raised concerns about the 2.0 version of Donald Trump's White House.

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace asked Weissmann about a world in which Trump knew what he knows now about controlling the government by firing his foes.

"There wouldn't be a Jeff Sessions," said Wallace, referring to the former attorney general, who recused himself from anything having to do with Trump, and appointed special counsel Robert Mueller.

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"I mean, no one would last five minutes if they displeased him. Jim Comey is fired for not letting [Rep. Michael] Flynn go. Mike Flynn would never be charged! It's such a departure from Trump 1.0, and I think there would be areas that would be a million times worse. I think this is one that demands our focus in this moment."

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Weissmann, a top prosecutor on Mueller's team, agreed, saying that many top people present during the administration's early years were safeguards against Trump's worst demands. He also agreed that Sessions believed that the DOJ must be independent, like him or not.

"As we reported in the Mueller record, he himself gave the information about what it was that the then President Trump wanted him to do with respect to Hillary Clinton," Weissmann recalled. "At that point, they got rid of him, and Bill Barr was his lackey. That's what would be the scope of a Trump 2.0."

Barr has spent the better part of the past three years trashing Trump but has now publicly confessed that he's voting Trump.

You don't really have to worry about what will happen. You're seeing it right now," Weissmann warned. "In other words, all of the people who are — who know much, much better and are going along with this."

He explained that he keeps using Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) as an example because "she knows damn well that this is fundamentally inconsistent request what it means to be a democracy under the rule of law, and is not saying anything. That is the road to hell for this country."

It all comes at a time when the Justice Department is being accused of being a partisan political arm of the president when there are Democrats, including the president's son, under indictment.

Wallace warned that Trump and his MAGA ilk are preparing to take a "wrecking ball to what is left to the rule of law" in the United States.

@MantaHunk had this to say on social media:

"Wow, normally mild-mannered Andrew Weissmann is coming unglued about 'all of the people who know better' who are not standing up for the rule of law. Attacking Senator Collins saying 'She is paving the road to hell.' Said the word damn. Got to be bad to trigger Andrew."

See the clip in the video below or at the link here.

'The road to hell for this country': Legal expert sounds the alarm about America's future youtu.be

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