'Rabid Don': Eruption as Trump's 'foamy saliva' video flagged as 'sign of health issues'

Donald Trump speaking with supporters at a campaign rally at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

Donald Trump posted a video that some on social media flagged for the former president's purported "spitting" and dealing with so-called "foamy saliva" that some say is a sign of a number of medical problems.

Patriot Takes flagged the video on X, formerly called Twitter.

"Trump spitting while telling his followers to vote for him," the liberal account wrote. "Instead of reshooting the video, his campaign just ran with it."

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The issues seemed to get worse as the video went on, according to Patriot Takes.

"Trump also struggled with foamy saliva during his video. Trump just plowed through it," the account wrote Wednesday. "His campaign chose not to reshoot the video. Foamy saliva can be a sign of health issues."

@JLVsTW1 responded, saying, "That’s totally cotton mouth from the amphetamines."

"Let’s agree to call him Old Yeller from now on," GOP strategist Jeff Timmer said on Wednesday.

The Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson labeled the former president "Rabid Don" on Wednesday.

@donsense joked that "Trump also dated Foamy Saliva."

"He met her at a golf tournament," the individual added, joking about the former president's Stormy Daniels situation. "I think it was at the Mushroom Head Open."

@mediapolitic also chimed in: "Trump now has foamy saliva. It’s not rabies, but one can hope."

@wilonab also had a unique view on the saliva.

"Some health conditions can make it difficult for a person to swallow, causing saliva to pool in the mouth and become foamy. In other cases, excess fluid in the lungs can mix with air and create foam that comes out of the mouth."

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