National Review writer buries 'stupid' GOP for going all in on 'worst human' Trump

GOP lawmakers supporting Trump at trial for paying hush money to adult film star (Photo via AFP)

In a scathing new column, a National Review writer bashed the Republicans for placing the future of their party and their 2024 election prospects in the hands of a clearly "unfit" Donald Trump.

Getting right to the point, Christian Schneider wrote that Donald Trump's 34 felony convictions should not have been the tipping point for conservatives who are now on the fence over the election that looms a mere five months away.

To make his case, he pointed to Trump's history as a public servant, writing: "If you’re so concerned about Trump’s dubious felony convictions that you’re able to ignore the entirety of his behavior over the past eight years, your moral sextant has been thrown overboard and now lies at the bottom of the ocean beside the scary, bug-eyed fish with fiber-optic lights protruding from their foreheads."

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Addressing the embattled former president's legal woes, Schneider suggested that Trump's unfitness for office is on full display because he can't seem to wrap his head around not attacking Judge Juan Merchan, who holds his fate in his hands when he sentences him in early July — part and parcel of a string of previous courtroom failures.

"The chemicals sloshing around in Trump’s cranium uniformly force him to demonstrate less self-control than Lauren Boebert at a performance of Beetlejuice," he wrote. "It is why Trump was found in contempt of court ten times during the trial, as he routinely broke the gag order imposed by Merchan, an order implemented to keep the former president from intimidating and threatening witnesses and jurors. It is why, after being slapped with a penalty of $5 million for defaming a woman he allegedly sexually assaulted, Trump faced a second judgment of $83.3 million for continuing to defame her."

As Schneider sees it, all of that combined with Trump's "stop the steal" campaign that led to the Jan. 6 insurrection should have made the former president too toxic to be at the head of the ticket in November, but GOP "loyalists" haven't figured it out yet or are just too "stupid" to realize what they have gotten themselves into.

"The Republican Party has been backed into a corner because it picked one of the worst human beings in America to represent it. It should be possible to look at last week’s verdict against Trump and disagree with it without declaring it to be a Fidel Castro–like show trial, but this is where some on the right have gone," he wrote before quoting John Stuart Mill calling British Conservatives the “stupid party,” to which he added, "The comment now reads as prophetic of today’s GOP."

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