Polish protesters set date to unblock Ukraine border

The border blockade at the Rava-Ruska — Hrebenne checkpoint will last until June 7

"The blocking of traffic at the Hrebenne border crossing will last until midnight EET on June 7, according to information received from the Polish side," the statement reads.

As part of the announced blockade, protesters are not allowing trucks to leave Ukraine.

Read also: Polish protesters restrict truck traffic at Ukrainian border checkpoint

Earlier, it was reported that on June 4, Polish protesters blocked truck traffic near the Rava-Ruska-Hrebenne checkpoint. They are allowing trucks to enter Ukraine according to the announced schedule: 12 vehicles every 12 hours, as well as four trucks with humanitarian aid every hour. Other categories of vehicles in both directions are allowed to cross as usual, the Ukrainian SBGS notes.

Read also: Ukrainian National Bank estimates losses from Polish border blockade

Polish protesters began to restrict traffic on the border with Ukraine on Feb. 20. Trucks were blocked at the Medyka-Shehyni, Dolhobychuv-Uhryniv, Zosin-Ustyluh, Korczowa-Krakowiec, Hrebenne-Rava-Ruska, and Dorohusk-Yagodyn checkpoints.

Read also: Polish border blockade shows systemic crisis — UA Economy Ministry

Polish farmers went on a major strike on March 20, during which roadblocks and protests took place throughout the country. They completely blocked truck traffic at the Yahodyn and Rava-Ruska checkpoints.

Ukraine announced its readiness to restrict trade with the EU on the same day but on its own terms.

Polish farmers were not allowing trucks from Ukraine to pass through the Yahodyn and Rava-Ruska checkpoints on March 24.

Poles changed their decision on the agrarian blockade of Ukraine on April 4.

Poles unblocked all checkpoints on the border with Ukraine on April 29.

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Section: Business

Author: Владислав Литнарович