'Should be in chains!' Hate-spitting MAGA pastor mangles names of 'traitor' congresswomen

Mark Burns speaking with attendees at the 2019 Teen Student Action Summit. (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

An evangelical pastor who's been endorsed by Donald Trump in his latest bid for Congress called for three Democratic congresswomen to be shackled "in chains" for treason.

Mark Burns, a televangelist-turned-Republican congressional candidate, told TNT Radio host Johnny Vedmore he was confident the biblical end of days was near because he believed the red heifers and other prophetic clues had been revealed, according to a video flagged by Right Wing Watch.

"I do believe that the Rapture is very near," Burns said, adding some malaprops along the way. "I think that you see that the Third Temple in Israel has been built, I think that you see the red herrings [sic] have been discovered. I think the Bible is very true, the prophetic words were very lined up. We hear wars, rumors of wars. I think the Antichrist is not born, is about to be born. I think that we are moving in that direction."

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Burns then butchered the names of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and blamed them for the decline in religiosity in American life, saying they should be imprisoned as traitors.

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"You clearly see what's happening in America, that we in America have [been] losing our faith in God," the pastor said.

"This is a Christian nation, but yet we've been bullied by a small number of people who have a big microphone, and we Christians are too busy being a silent majority and not realizing that we are the majority, and we should fight back the same way that the AOCs and the Iliad Omars, 'the squad' and the Ta-sheila Rashid, those congresswomen who are called 'the squad' who speak anti-American rhetoric constantly, those people should not be in Congress, they should be in chains, held for treason for the United States of America."

Watch the video below or at this link.

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