Swiss leader: Ukraine meet likely to be followed by Russia conference

The President of the Swiss Confederation Viola Amherd gives a press conference. Kay Nietfeld/dpa

Swiss President Viola Amherd says the Ukraine peace conference that her country is organizing for later this month is just the beginning of negotiations and would likely be followed by talks with Russia.

"It is clear to us that we will not sign a peace agreement at the end of the conference," Amherd said in comments published by Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper on Friday.

Both parties need to be at the table for peace, she said, referring to the fact that Russia has not been invited to attend the Swiss summit. "Russia could then be present at a possible follow-up conference," she said.

Switzerland invited around 160 countries to discuss possible ways to achieve lasting peace in Ukraine. Russia, which launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine more than two years ago, has not received an invitation. Ukraine is taking part.

So far, more than 80 countries have confirmed they will join the meeting in Switzerland taking place on June 15 and 16.

Moscow said Russia would not have attended even if it had been invited.

Amherd went on to say that the conference was intended to create a platform for dialogue at which the first step would be to discuss how peace could be achieved in Ukraine.

It would not be about peace in Ukraine in the narrow sense, but "only" about humanitarian issues, nuclear safety, freedom of navigation and food security, she said.

"We want to build trust and seek solutions to these issues, which are important for the civilian population and then also for peace later on," she said.

It is seen as crucial for the success of the conference that not only Ukraine's Western allies are present, but also influential countries that are friends of Russia - above all China, Moscow's most important ally.

China has said publicly it will not attend, but that it attaches great importance to the peace conference. And while India has said it will send representatives, it is unclear whether that is the case for South Africa.

"It was important for us that not only Western European countries and the US are taking part," Amherd said. "Around half of the more than 80 participants who have already confirmed their attendance come from Western Europe, the other half from Africa, South America and Asia. So the Global South is represented," she added.