General Election 2024: Daniel Zeichner, Labour’s Parliamentary candidate for Cambridge. rejects hustings over safety concerns

Security fears following “vile” threats have prompted Cambridge’s Labour Parliamentary candidate to reconsider attending public hustings events in the city.

Daniel Zeichner, who was first elected as Cambridge’s Labour MP in 2015, told the Cambridge Independent he was waiting for national guidance on his personal security before he could decide on whether to make public appearances.

He said that “the world has changed” and pointed out that, as well as receiving threatening messages, his party headquarters had also been “attacked” in April this year. Now he is deeply concerned that some people coming to question and answer sessions may not be there for “a cosy chat”.

Daniel Zeichner MP garners support with his team around Arbury..Pic - Richard Marsham.

This follows days of silence from Mr Zeichner on social media as organisers of political hustings – which are open sessions enabling the public to quiz Parliamentary candidates – have been calling on him to explain why he was apparently not planning to attend.

Mr Zeichner said: “The problem is security, because what we actually need from people who are organising these events – and I realise this is difficult because they are all volunteers – is a proper security plan. I’m afraid the world has changed.”

He explained that while he had been happy to do hustings events in Cambridge in the past he now needed to take advice about his safety from the Labour Party’s national security adviser.

“They’re genuinely worried,” he said. “I mean, why wouldn’t we be, given [the murder of the Conservative MP] David Amess and given the tensions there are around, even in Cambridge? I’m afraid it just isn’t like

it used to be.”

He added: “I get vile stuff all the time. It’s not nice, so that’s why we are careful. The trouble is, it only takes one person who isn’t just (using) words, and suddenly it’s really serious. So I think you’ll find that throughout the election across the country, people are being cautious for good reason.”

If he were to attend a hustings event, it would have to be organised “professionally”, he explained.

And Mr Zeichner suggested another Labour Party member could even stand in for him.

He said: “In some cases, it might be better to have someone else from the Labour Party do it, because, frankly, they are less likely to be a target than someone who’s been the MP,

in truth.”

Daniel Zeichner MP meets branch coordinator Niccy Townley during a visit to the Cambridge branch of Cats Protection. Picture: Cats Protection

He also stated that as nominations for candidates have not yet closed, that could have an impact on his security concerns.

“There is talk of a Galloway Party candidate and that makes a difference as well, in my view, because quite clearly, we know from the tenor of some of the protests that not everyone just comes along for a cosy chat. So it’s in that context that we haven’t been able to make decisions yet.”

He added that an eve of poll hustings might be preferable to help people who had not made up their minds about which way to vote.

He said it was likely he would attend a hustings event being planned at Anglia Ruskin University “subject to the correct security arrangements being in place”.

The hustings would be an opportunity for residents to ask Mr Zeichner about whether he would continue with outgoing Tory housing secretary Michael Gove’s vision for Cambridge, including plans for 150,000 more homes.

Mr Zeichner said: ”I’ve always been very clear on this. I want to get resources into Cambridge. So it’s not about supporting the Cambridge Development Group. That is a Michael Gove thing. We will have a totally different approach, but it will be a Labour approach. But if we can get resources into Cambridge to tackle the transport issues and the housing issues, then I’m up for that.

“The 150,000 houses is Gove’s proposal. If we have a Labour government in a few weeks’ time, we’ll have a new approach. But quite clearly, we want to make sure that there’s the housing and the transport that actually makes Cambridge a place fit for people to live in. Because at the moment it’s not working. So yes, of course, I want change, but I want it done on Labour’s terms, not Michael Gove terms. My comments about Gove were very clear. I thought the ‘Case for Cambridge’ was vacuous fluff. There is a case for Cambridge, but not Michael Gove’s.”

Wendy Blythe, the chair of the Federation of Cambridge Residents’ Associations (FeCRA) said: “Daniel Zeichner has turned down FeCRA’s invitation to attend a hustings which is very disappointing. He has not offered any alternative dates or even the possibility of a virtual hustling which is what FeCRA did with him for the last election.

“Other community groups have reported to us that Daniel Zeichner’s office has informed them that he is not attending any hustings.

“This is really disappointing coming from the shadow minister for the environment as it is central government that controls the Environment Agency’s priorities and resources and sets broader environmental policies.

“Many residents who have seen Tony Eva’s award-wining film film Pure Clean Water are very worried about Cambridge’s water shortages and about the impact on our chalk streams and the wildlife that depends on them.

“They have contacted the FeCRA Committee to ask what they can do. As the Sunday Times reported, FeCRA has started an open petition entitled Save Our Chalk Streams to support the Environment Agency who are objecting to large developments until there is clear evidence that there is enough water (

“Knowing that the Environment Agency is objecting to large developments and there will be no reservoirs before 2035 and no water transfers before 2032, if then, residents find it deeply disturbing that the MP for water stressed Cambridge who said at the recent East of England APPG Parliamentary event ‘growth can’t wait for reservoirs because we’re in a global race’ won’t attend hustings or answer questions on the ‘Case for Cambridge’ or Special Economic Zones.”

The other candidates so far announced as standing in Cambridge had confirmed their attendance at the FeCRA event.

Hustings events:

Tuesday 11 June, 7pm: “Can a new government halt the climate and environmental crisis?” Wesley Methodist Church, Christ’s Pieces, Cambridge, CB1 1LG. Chaired by Terry Macalister.

Wednesday 19 June, 6:30pm: Hustings on the future of Cambridge at the Friends Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8BA. Organised by Friends of the Cam and FeCRA.

Wednesday 26 June, 7pm: Cambridge City Foodbank hustings, Church of the Good Shepherd, Mansel Way, Arbury, CB4 2ET. Organised in partnership with local anti-poverty organisations, including Jimmy’s, It Takes a City, and YMCA Cambridgeshire.