Feeling the King’s Fury: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Plan for More Tours Has Charles III 'Angrier Than Anyone Has Ever Seen'

King Charles is 'angry' over Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's 'faux royal tours.'MEGA

King Charles III is said to be "angrier than anyone has ever seen" thanks to reports reflecting Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex' wish to undertake "more tours."

"Meghan and Harry aren’t surprised that the royals have found fault with theirtour of Nigeria, they’re disappointed for sure, but not surprised," a source spilled. "And they’re certainly not going to let their negativity stop them from arranging more tours."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle left the royal family in 2020. MEGA

"As far as they’re concerned, things in Nigeria couldn’t have gone better, and it’s really got them excited about all the possibilities," they added. "Meghan’s now drawing up a new plan of attack, basically a blueprint of how to put together more tours in the most streamlined and effective way possible. She’s tasked members of her team with submitting ideas on the best places to visit, who they need to reach out to as far as dignitaries and charities, as well as what media to recruit for the visits."

The Montecito couple's newfound liking of tours coincides with their reported initiative to "unite communities worldwide" through their Archewell Foundation. Some royal analysts say this is a "sign of the future."

"They have now discovered that they can draw crowds on their own, which may or may not be great news for the royals, where global visits are their crowning glory," a palace insider shared. "Then again, they are likely only going to be popular in countries that have contingents of anti-royalists, which they prey upon, like in Nigeria, which was a pure power trip for Meghan."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Nigeria, May 10, 2024. THE ROYAL FAMILY CHANNEL/YOUTUBE

"Their conscience is completely clear on this plan because they intend to do good wherever they go," the source continued.

The Sussex insider played into what royal analysts fear by all but insinuating the duo see this as fertile competition with the monarchy. "They’re spreading a really positive message, giving back and bringing attention and support to the regions they feel need them the most," the source observed. "And they don’t plan to limit themselves to the Commonwealth, they want to make this bigger and better than what the royals have done in the past. They’re totally unfazed by any problems this might create with the royals."

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were invited to Nigeria at the invitation of the nation's government. THE ROYAL FAMILY CHANNEL/YOUTUBE

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex undertook the three-day tour of Nigeria at the request of the nation's government from May 10-12. Another Sussex insider took offense to royal analysis framing the visit as a "faux royal tour."

"Harry and Meghan do not go about their days thinking and dwelling on the royal family," they told a publication. "They made it clear how they felt about the institution and those who run it, which are not necessarily senior royal members."

Team Sussex has not publicly criticized the royal family since Prince Harry's memoir, 'Spare' in 2023. MEGA

Closer reported on the insider revelations.