Dear Annie: Man needs to take responsibility and be honest ... with his wife and his girlfriend

'Dear Annie' columnist Annie Lane

DEAR ANNIE: I have been in a relationship with a married man for over 14 years. We’ve known each other for 40 now. He’s been married for 28 years. I’ve been widowed now for nine.

He hasn’t told his wife about our relationship. We stopped for about a year. He wants to rekindle what we had, but he hasn’t been completely honest with his wife. She apparently knows something, but I doubt it’s the complete truth. We do love each other and I want to tell her. I am not sure how to deal with this. -- Amid an Affair

DEAR AMID: This man needs to take responsibility and be honest, with you and his wife. If he truly loves and respects both of you, he should face whatever consequences come from this situation.

Think about your future. Are you seeking a transparent relationship with this man, or are you willing to continue under these stressful and secretive conditions? Your well-being and happiness matter. Your feelings for this man are obviously incredibly strong, but don’t let that blind you. You deserve more than to be a hidden 14-year-old secret.

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