Newark Advertiser reader’s letter: Vote for policies not personalities this General Election

I think most of us welcome a chance to have our say in the upcoming General Election.

But one thing that has always stood out to me from reading comments left under election stories is that a lot of people are confused about what their candidates actually stand for.

I firmly believe we should vote for policies not personalities.

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There is a lot of apathy out there, but we need to be educated about what each party can offer us before we can make an informed decision when casting a ballot.

By looking at what each party actually plans to do for the country, and more importantly our community, we may be surprised by who our views most align with on a local level.

You may not like Kier Starmer or Rishi Sunak, but what about your local candidate?

You may also notice a lot of party point scoring flying about, with rivals making digs at their opponents rather than explaining why you should actually vote for them.

There are a number of excellent tools out there such as where you can fill in a survey about your priorities and views and at the end will be presented with a graph of which parties are best suited to you.

I’d encourage everyone to give it a go, because, at the end of the day, to make our vote count we need to be more educated, instead of remaining ignorant and complaining that nothing ever changes. — A. MORGAN, Newark.