Labour candidate Michelle Welsh says she will ‘lead the fightback’ in Sherwood Forest constituency as she campaigns to win seat in General Election

A Labour candidate wants to bring a ‘fresh start’ to the Sherwood Forest constituency after 14 years of Conservative control.

Michelle Welsh is standing as Labour’s hope of unseating the current Conservative MP Mark Spencer when the country heads to the polls on July 4.

As a Nottinghamshire county councillor for Arnold South, Michelle feels she has experience of working on issues which affect residents across the county and that this could translate will into the role of MP.

Michelle Welsh, Labour candidate for Sherwood Forest. Photo:

The seat has only ever been held by a Labour MP once in its history — by Paddy Tipping from 1992 to 2010 — something the party hopes to change.

Michelle said: “I am standing to be your Labour Member of Parliament to bring a fresh start for Sherwood Forest.

”Having started my working life in elderly care, becoming the first in my family to go to university, working with families here setting up Sure Start services, I feel passionate about making life better for everyone in Sherwood Forest.

“I am a mother who is standing to make change happen.”

She added: “We cannot afford to allow our country to have five more years of this utter chaos.

“I know what it takes to be a strong community voice and to stand up for issues that are affecting people.

”We have had 14 years of Conservative chaos; 14 years with a Tory MP who has supported every Tory leader, every Tory budget, every Tory decision.

“He has supported austerity, crippling cost of living rises, vicious cuts to our public services — all decisions that have hit our communities hard.

“The communities of Sherwood Forest need an MP who is going to stand up for them, who will fight their corner in Westminster and will always put you, the people that live here and the future of Sherwood first. That is exactly what you will get if I am elected as your Labour MP.

”I will lead the fightback here in Sherwood with passion, I will be your voice in Westminster, not Westminster’s voice in Sherwood.”

Michelle outlined her priorities as; investing in public services; embracing equality and providing better chances for all, regardless of background, education or upbringing; stopping cuts and fairer funding for Sherwood; investment in the NHS and health services locally, tackling climate change and protecting green spaces.

She also said care and compassion need to return to politics, and that she would stand up for worker’s rights and trade unions, advocate for internationalism in a ‘socialism across borders’ approach, and that a top priority would be in tackling child poverty and ending child hunger.

Former Labour MP for Sherwood Paddy Tipping, said: "I've worked closely with Michelle for many years. She's a great candidate, a great councillor, and will be an even greater MP.

“She's local and knows the area well. She turns outwards, listens to residents and always delivers on her promises.

“Most importantly, she puts people first. She should be your first choice candidate for Sherwood Forest."

The UK General Election is scheduled to take place on July 4. The candidates so-far confirmed for the Sherwood Forest constituency are (listed alphabetically):

• Sheila Greatrex-White, Green Party

• Helen Rose O'Hare, Reform UK

• Mark Spencer, Conservative

• Lee Waters, Independent

• Michelle Welsh, Labour