'Trump is worried': Expert highlights evidence Trump is fretting about swing state

Trump speaking at a rally in 2019. (Shutterstock.com)

Donald Trump is scared of losing Nevada, according to a Democracy expert.

Democratic voting rights attorney Marc Elias used litigation data to reach a conclusion about Trump's priorities

"Donald Trump's campaign has filed two lawsuits this entire election cycle. Both were filed in the last few weeks and target mail-in voting in Nevada," the attorney added. "Two obvious conclusions: 1. Trump opposes mail-in voting. 2. Trump is worried he will lose Nevada."

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@mwpotter23 responded to that:

"If Democrats are so confident that they can win Nevada then why the opposition? They shouldn't 'need' rely on mail-in ballots in order to win anywhere in America."

The user continued:

"Same day and in person voting should be the standard for every state. If we need to expand pole hours from 12 to 24 hours due to higher populations in various states then open the poles a 12:01 a.m. and close the poles at 11:59 p.m. on election day. We shouldn't have to cater our elections to the evening news cycle."

Other Trump defenders also spoke up against the comment made by Elias.

@claricefeldman7 chimed in on the subject: "He has every reason to believe your clients will again use it to cheat."

@nicolosi_frank provided a potential justification.

"Maybe," the user wrote. "It also may confirm Trump and his team know about the higher propensity for fraud of mail in voting if not properly secured."

In a separate post, Elias goes even further, by suggesting that "Trump is laying the groundwork to deny the outcome of the election."

"Democracy Docket is working every day to expose GOP lies and deliver you the truth," he added.

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