'We've covered this': Kristi Noem snaps at Dana Bash as she doubles down on puppy killing

CNN's Dana Bash, Kristi Noem

A CNN interview with South Dakota took an ugly turn near the end when the Republican lawmaker plugged her book which led "State of the Union" host Dana Bash to ask her about the contained in the book that has reportedly derailed Noem's political future.

Following the book plug by Noem, Bash gave her a chance to to admit to shooting her kid's puppy Cricket in a gravel pit decades ago.

Instead Noem doubled down and went on a diatribe about how dangerous the 14-month-old puppy was, which she also in her book admitted she "hated."

"You mentioned your book, so I'm going to ask you about that because in that book , 'No Going Back,' you came under pretty intense criticism even from some members of your own party because you shared a story about shooting and killing your 14-month-old dog, Cricket," Bash began. "Now that you've had time to process all of that, in all candor, do you have regrets?"

"You know that story is 20-year-old story of a mom who made a very difficult decision to protect her children from a vicious animal that was attacking livestock and killing livestock and attacking people," Noem shot back. "So it's in the book because it was difficult for me and there's a lot in that book that I think people will need to read. I don't know if you've read it or not."

After Bash noted that she had read the book and that she understood the "context" in which the shooting happened Bash pressed, "So what I'm hearing is no regrets, not just about writing about it, but actually shooting the dog ."

That led Noem to pause, tilt her head and snap "We've covered this and I'm a mom and protected my children from a vicious animal. We just had a nine-year-old boy in South Dakota killed just days ago from a dog."

Watch below .

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