Lawler looking forward to a busy pre-season for Tadley Calleva

Tadley Calleva manager Joe Lawler is looking forward to a busy pre-season for his side.

Competing in the Combined Counties Premier Division South, the club made a valiant effort to maintain a promotion push last season in a campaign plagued by fixture congestion.

This time around, Lawler is looking to reinforce the squad in order to be ready for whatever the season throws at them.

“In terms of commitments for last year I’d say there’s about 90% of them who will be back”, said the Calleva boss.

“We need to improve the squad a bit, considering last season and how it ended with nine games in eighteen days.

“I’m hoping to have a couple of additions from teams within the league. They’ve impressed playing against us.

“We’re the most eastern team in the league, so we’re targeting local players.”

“We also had very successful reserve teams last year, so there’s a couple of them who will be looked at.”

For any new arrivals though, there are non-negotiable traits which Lawler insists upon.

“We’ve got a really good group and a really good changing room at Tadley.

“That’s what allows us to compete above where some people would expect.

“They need to be able to add to that changing room.

“On the playing side, we’re looking for hard work and fitness.

“We want to be a front foot, pressing team. We need to make sure the ethic is there.”

To prepare the squad for such an intense style of football, a tough pre-season schedule is needed.

“We’ve got a full schedule! There’s seven games lined up.

“We’ve got Thatcham, Hartley Wintney, Egham and Reading City who were both play-off teams in the northern division.

“It’s one we’re looking forward to!”