America dunks on Giuliani's new mugshot: 'Being a MAGA degenerate really shows'

Rudy Giuliani mugshot (image via Maricopa County Sheriff's Office).

Former President Donald Trump's longtime ally Rudy Giuliani is facing a fresh round of charges for his alleged involvement in the fake electors scheme in Arizona, after being hit with racketeering charges alongside the former president in Georgia — and he had to pose for his second mugshot.

Giuliani, who reportedly gloated about having evaded service of the indictment right up until investigators tracked him down at a party last month, posed for the Maricopa County mugshot grinning from ear to ear. He currently faces bankruptcy as legal expenses from a number of civil and criminal cases mount.

Commenters on social media lost no time mocking the former New York City mayor for his situation, and his behavior, with some suggesting he looks intoxicated in the image.

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"America’s Mayor on a 3-day bender heading in for his mug shot," wrote former GOP strategist turned anti-Trump activist Ron Filipkowski.

"Seriously, what's his BAC in this pic?" asked Emily Singer, of the left-leaning American Independent.

"Whoa, being a MAGA degenerate really shows on a motherf--ker," wrote the account @DogginTrump.

"He's a happy guy. His life turned out awesome. No regrets. Well respected. Not at all humiliated or disgraced. Couldn't seem to get him to look at the camera, though," wrote the account @OurShallowState.

"If it weren’t for 9/11, the only time you’d see this face is when it peered out of a van with the words 'Free Candy,'" wrote the account @Marmel.

"He looks like the forgettable villain in every bad movie ever filmed," wrote the account @Logically_JC.

"This is truly sick! Disturbing and sociopathic," wrote the account @cg_evie. "Unbelievable that accountability is seen as a a joke to lawyers of a former pres-now a convicted felon, and former cabinet members of the felon, have decided that when caught and arrested, just laugh and own the libs. Sickening!"

"Seeing that smile wiped off his smug face will be more satisfying than a plate of cheese fries," wrote the account @AndrewR9Md.

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