'Buddy, it was you!' GOP strategist turns tables on Trump as he whines about being victim

Donald Trump (Photo: Shutterstock)

Longtime Republican strategist Rina Shah tore into former President Donald Trump on CNN Wednesday for his violence-laden grievance pitches to voters.

This came as CNN anchor Jim Acosta highlighted a new fundraising pitch by the Trump campaign, headlined "haul out the guillotine," proclaiming that Trump's political enemies want him "beheaded" and that "THEY'RE REALLY COMING AFTER YOU!"

"This email came out a couple of hours — nobody's made a big deal out of it," said Acosta. "I'm highlighting it because I just wonder, Rina, are we getting a little too numb to this kind of rhetoric? Is it getting out of control? Is he out of control?"

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"I've been struck by it every time," said Shah. "Trump has been out of control for a long time because what he's wanted to do is whack this whole notion of impartiality, which I heard you touching on, and I couldn't agree more."

"I'm really glad you touch on that, because that impartiality is what makes us a country," Shah continued on. "We aren't a country if we can't look at our institutions and say these institutions protect the very American values that I know so many conservatives care about, which are freedom, equality, justice. If we don't have those things, we're not a nation at all."

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But Trump, she added, "Wants to whack those things away just because he's mentally unstable on that day and wants to talk about a guillotine and wants to say that they want to take me to the guillotine. Buddy, it was you that was fine with people doing that to your vice president!"

Watch the video below or at the link here.

Rina Shah on Trump's "guillotine" fundraising pitch www.youtube.com

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