Wisbech church holds special farewell event for Rev Canon Matthew Bradbury

After 21 years of devoted service to the church and his parishioners the Rev Canon Matthew Bradbury has decided to retire from service.

Canon Bradbury, who has been vicar of St Peter and St Paul’s Church in Wisbech and also at St Augustine’s Church is retiring at the end of this month.

Within the Diocese of Ely he has served many churches with his wife Sarah alongside him throughout.

Churchgoers at St Augustine’s laid on a special evening on Wednesday (12) to thank Canon Bradbury for his long service.

The evening included an interview with him by Wayne Shaw a parochial church council member, who also put questions from his congregation as well as pupils from both the Orchards Academy and Elm School.

It was a fun event and included various surprises and gifts for the Bradburys. Church pianist James Trundle made a guest appearance as well.

Guests included the current High Sherriff of Cambridgeshire, Dr Bharat Khetani.

Wayne said: “The volunteers of St Augustine had been planning the event for time and did a fantastic job, coming up with ideas and dedicating their time to Matthew and the Church. I can honestly say I have never worked with such a dedicated team and they have been an inspiration to me as I have not been a member of the PCC for long.”